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Thread: Terrible thing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Terrible thing

    I have a friend that is cute and down-to-earth. She is single and not interested in any guy that she knows of. She complains that she knows of this guy whom she used to work for briefly; she met him only once and interacted over the phone during her work there. At that time, he was married and possibly was getting a divorced. My friend quit after a few months. It has been more than 3 years that she ever had spoken to him, but out of the blue, he is showing some interest in her. She wonders why after all these years he now shows some interest; he would have had girlfriends or fiancée or have been remarried already. Guys don’t stay single even for a day.

    I checked and the guy is involved and has a significant other – a steady girlfriend, fiancée, or wife. My friend is playing it cool and not reacting to any of it, but I advised her to tell him that she is not interested because she doesn’t play around with guys who are already have a fiancée. She finally found out that he has a fiancée and about to get married; he is living with his fiancée.

    It’s so sad that guys who are in relationships and about to get married and still want to reach out to someone they think can validate or invalidate their state of mind, possibly to get out of a bad relationship or the walk to the altar. Other than this, she doesn’t know why this guy is doing this.

    I also feel sad for her because she is single, and often guys think that if she is single that she should be interested in any guy who comes her way. So for those guys out there who already are in committed relationships with special significant others, don’t stray to prove something. You need to work it out with your girlfriends, fiancées, or wives and stop preying on some single girls. You might get lucky with other girls, but my friend knows what is right and wrong. She hates guys who are about to get married and already planning to be an adulterer. Please we have seen enough of that in the world already.

    What do you think ladies? Guys are animals! They can’t stay single for a minute after they get a divorced. They have to be on a rebound and be in a relationship without a second thought. Once they get bored, they go on to the next cutest thing. If they are in a relationship, they stray and flirt to see if they could prove that they still got it.

    Should I be a dumb bi-atch and tell his fiancée what he is doing to her-the truth and the whole truth? In real life, I saw how things got out on control with these guys living a secret, double life.

  2. #2
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    Breaking news: Some people cheat, regardless of gender.

    Why does it bother you so much that a guy contacted your friend? You seem to be pretty up in her business, with checking to see if he's single or not, and "advising her" how to handle it. No, don't tell his fiancee anything. This is not your problem.

  3. #3
    girl68's Avatar
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    Oh what planet do you live on that "Guys don’t stay single even for a day?" Not on planet Earth my friend. You totally have a thing for this chick.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    It's a Jersey Thing
    yeah, seems like the ongoing trend nowadays is that guys are more inclined to stay single and less inclined to jump into a relationship.
    the love you take is equal to the love you make

  5. #5
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    While it's sexist to say so, I agree with you that men are pigs. Every now and then you find a gem, but eventually even those screw you over.

    Don't tell his fiance, though. I'd be tempted to as well but it's not your business and you don't want to get dragged into something like that--nor do you want your friend to get dragged into it because of you.

  6. #6
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    I have to wonder; what are friends for? You look after one another. You talk about things and exchange your thoughts about them. With everything that is going on in the Internet, Facebook and Google, it helps everyone to stay informed and educated about things. I would rather be informed and educated about certain things and be able to make sound decisions. My friend has no issues with me checking.

    You have a point that it is not my business, but if I were in his fiancee’s situation, I would want someone to inform and educate me on his behavior. Guys are notorious for hiding and pretending. Once the information had been made to her, it would be her business how she would want to deal with this guy.

    My friend and I have no business in giving his fiancee suggestions on how to deal with him or forcing her do anything. We would stay anonymous and give proofs.

    I think it is not a trend but more of personalities of the guys. May be I should have said 90% of the guys would not stay single for a month, and this guy is in the 90% group.

    "He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it."
    Martin Luther King, Jr.

    "An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind."
    Last edited by foxyblunews; 07-11-10 at 12:33 AM.

  7. #7
    girl68's Avatar
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    This debate is debated forever... have you ever thought that just 'casue YOU want to know does not mean everyone else wants to! Perhaps his finace doesn't WANT to know. Leave it, it's none of your business.

  8. #8
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    I am explaining what is right and wrong. If you feel annoyed by it then you should have ignored my reply. That’s very rude to ask someone to leave this forum or subject. I really don’t want you to reply to this if you intend to be mean and denigrate.

    Who is everyone else? If you’re referring to everyone else here, then it is everyone’s choice to reply to this post. You made a choice and a very bad one to reply to it. If you’re not able to debate as you put it, then don’t ask me to leave. Are you a bully?

    Are you his fiancee and speaking for her? How do you know perhaps that she doesn’t want to know? For a girl who doesn’t want to know is someone who is simply unable to deal with the truth and reality. I am speaking for all decent girls out there who want to know and letting their relationships to be tested. So let me make a correction, I am speaking for most decent girls who want to know and not so much that I want to know. If you’re not a decent girl, then certainly you wouldn’t want to know the truth.

    Really you should leave my post and reply to some others if you can’t intelligently make a point.

  9. #9
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    I asked you to leave? No, I did no such thing.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    What this guy is doing isn't right. But for you to say that all men are the same way also isn't right.

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