Well I am 46 years old, divorced in 2008. To get a new start in life I moved out to the northwest to help take care of my parents. They are both elderly and ill to the point of needing assistance. I didn't feel comfortable having someone come into thier home and taking care of them so I offered to move out here. Like I said, it was an opportunity for me to make a new life.

I was here a few months when thought I met the woman of my dreams. She is pretty and nice and said all the things my ex never said, appreciated me and actually made me feel good about myself. It's been a long lone time since I felt needed and loved. Well short version, we fell in love and got married. I thought she was the "one" nothing could have been further from the truth. Major issues hidden until we got married. Alcoholism which of course manifested itself into verbal and physical abuse. She has severe control issues and basically has told me that I need to "man up" and deal with her shortcomings.

She has hit me already, verbally abused me, emotionally has me in the sewer and has my self confiidence at an all time low. I told her unless she needs help I don't want to live with her and she refuses to quit drinking. I filed for divorce (annulment not possible because of law here) and move in as fulltime caretaker of my parents.

Now I am divorcing, live with my parents by their request and have the idea at this point that relationships are not for me and that there are no good women left on the planet. She keeps acting like this is a temporary thing, wants me to "come home". Promises the abuse will stop and says she won't "drink around me anymore".

So here I sit, wondering what to do, wondering if this is the best I can do and should I just live with it. I am average looking, big build (weightlfting big not fat big) and all me female friends say I am a sweetheart but I never seem to atract any nice women. My last marriage failed and this marriage is, for all practical purposes, over also. I seem to attract women with some pretty major skeleton in the closet issues.

So, I know that's a lot to digest, anyone have similar experiences?