Hi. My BIGGEST problem in the dating world is approaching a guy I find attractive. Many times, I don't even make eye contact. I can't tell you how many attractive guys I've seen come and go, and I didn't even have the courage to say Hi.

And the funny thing is, I'm not wholly shy or a recluse. I'm 20-yrs old and physically attractive (I model occasionally and have done photo shoots). I also do some acting and singing. So I have experience being in the spotlight. But when it comes to meeting a guy who I WANT to meet, for some reason it's just not in me to go up to him and say Hi, or even look at him for too long. A part of me fears being rejected, because he doesn't really know me and might think that I'm weird for approaching him.

I'm looking for any books or articles that talks about dating for women. Not necessarily all about getting married, and not all about sex. Just dating guys in general, but it MUST talk about the subject of approaching a guy and minimizing my anxiety for approaching him. If you don't know of any books or articles, then I'd appreciate any tips of how to approach a guy and have a normal conversation, and deal with my fear of rejection. Thank you!