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Thread: Help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    MY head is spinning, I'm so confused.
    Here's the story :

    Last night I went round to a friends house and there was this girl there. I find her quite attractive most of the time. So anyway we started doing tequilla slammers and got "nice drunk" , as I would describe it. IE. tipsy but still cognitive.
    So anyway, I end up kissing this girl and touching her (intimately), and we moved to the bed. I made her orgasm several times and she returned the favour. We lay in each other's arms.
    She wants a relationship with me, I think I might want that too but I'm afraid my friends will mock me because they don't think she's a nice person. I know that shouldn't be a factor but it really is,ok?

    I just really want some help, try not to judge me.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    i think you should get to know her more. i mean u just did hook up with her one time.... while drinking even. that doesn't constitute enough to have a relationship yet. atleast i don't think. but if you like this girl continue to see her. get to know her and make your own decisions. don't let your friends' opinions judge your's. if you think she's nice, then maybe they just don't know her well. everyone is entitled to their own opinion. that is just yours. still i think it's way to early to be in a "relationship" with this girl.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by abercromqt20
    i think you should get to know her more. i mean u just did hook up with her one time.... while drinking even. that doesn't constitute enough to have a relationship yet. atleast i don't think. but if you like this girl continue to see her. get to know her and make your own decisions. don't let your friends' opinions judge your's. if you think she's nice, then maybe they just don't know her well. everyone is entitled to their own opinion. that is just yours. still i think it's way to early to be in a "relationship" with this girl.
    Thank you so much. You don't know how useful that is. I do need to get to know her better.


    Anyone else wana chip in I'd appreciate it A LOT.

  4. #4
    King Zarathu's Avatar
    King Zarathu Guest
    my girlfriend's friends hate my guts, but i hate them right back. friends shouldn't really be an important factor, but i understand how hard it is to be mocked by your friends.

    like abercrombie said, you need to get to know her better. because she was drunk, she obviously wasn't herself. in 6 months, she will totally be a different person than she was before that.

    wait a little bit, see what happens


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