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Thread: Attention Seeking?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Attention Seeking?

    Do most girls attention seek? I like this girl, but most of what she does is attention seek, like making me think theres something about a relationship between us, when perhaps there isn't anything there for us! Thinking about it, it does seem like most of the girls i meet like the attention!

    Is attention seeking normal or common?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Maybe she really believes there is something between you guys and you're the one who can't see it...

    What's the background story?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Basically, she caught a train to come up and see me at uni, we spent from 5pm to 2am together before i drove her back home. Walked around a bit, ate together, laughed, arms around each-other. I didn't make a move because i wanted to make sure it wasn't just the moment and the spontaneity of her coming to see me.

    So I arranged a second date. But she was called into work during the day so we split it up, we met in a morning, chatted over a coffee for two hours, and then met up once she finished work. But she had to go around to someones house to sort something out, she was happy for me to tag along. She made that clear - she said "youre a fun guy to be with"

    We arranged another meeting for the next weekend because my parents were away, and she wanted to see the house (apparently!). However, i texted her during the week to ask her how she was, and she didn't seem her usual self. Did not mention meeting up that weekend at all until i sent her a text asking if she was ok for it. But then she cancelled because of work, and contact essentially broke off. However, three weeks later, and i go into the restaurant where she works with some family and a friend, and i didn't expect her to be nice. But she gave me a huge smile when she saw me, and kept giving me my drink last so she could look at me, i noticed her looking over sometimes and the other waiters knew something, i could tell by the way they looked at me.

    Now im not sure whats going on here, is she attention seeking? Whats the best thing to do?

    Im tempted to ask her straight up on skype or fb (not by text - probably get ignored) whats going on.. because i feel im being mucked about
    Last edited by mattbrad5000; 29-11-10 at 05:46 PM.

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