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Thread: ladies opinions....will she like it?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    ladies opinions....will she like it?

    trying to solidify a relationship on the edge, wrote this for her
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Copy and paste.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Sometimes a person can go through life thinking everything is just normal, things are as they should be and how they were told they should be no one the wiser.
    And after time, and event after event, these same things dissipate, yet all still seems normal to a point, adaptations are made, and then life goes on………..
    Out of the blue is when it happens though, that single little point or event that throws all that you knew into the abyss and makes you question everything you ever knew or thought you knew about love , life , and everything in between.
    Emotions go absurd, those that you knew you had anyways, the new ones just confuse what sanity you think you may still possess. Everyday seems worse than the one before, yet, at the same time, better, and you’re glad for that time or that day, thus, adding to the overall state of confusion.
    Extreme thoughts are at the front, sometimes great, sometimes horrible, yet every one brings even more questions, with even less answers. Emotional anguish turns at times to physical pain.
    Yet at the end of it all, there is the joyful realization, that, it is by no means any passing acquaintance could do this to a person, so no matter what one day seemed so normal, and now confused, a smile is present in the fact that this could be nothing less than truly knowing what love may be.

    Neil McCafferty

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Hm. I don't want to critique your writing, because I'm not at all qualified (I'm barely literate,) but if the point of this is to "solidify a relationship on the edge," I'm not sure it's doing that. To me, it's sort of all over the place and self-indulgent, but hopefully the person you wrote it for will get it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    I'm sorry but I have to agree with Merry that it might not serve the purpose you're hoping. It's a bit.. grim.. for trying to rescue a relationship; focus on the positive and avoid bringing up the negative for that sort of letter, the negative is why you're teetering on the edge after all. I get the point of it and if she's a pessimistic type of person she might get it and love it but from an optimist's standpoint it's a bit dreary.

    If you think she'll appreciate that approach, though, go for it!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    If this relationship is on the edge of ending, you need to try to address the issues head on, and not by sticking a note under the door. I suspect your nonconfrontational ways has gotten you in this mess to begin with. Sweeping matters under the rug, eventually makes the rug very bumpy indeed. You need to show her you are a man that will own up to his mistakes and is willing to discuss issues openly, honestly with out prosecuting her for expressing her own opinions. Good communication is the best chance you have to solidify this relationship.

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