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Thread: Can't get over my ex. Just wanting some advice..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Can't get over my ex. Just wanting some advice..

    I'm 20 years old. My girlfriend and I dated for one year, I'll call her Sarah. She broke up with me on October 2 (sorry for specifics). We sort of had long distance relationship. She lived in Dallas, TX and I lived in Arlington, TX about 30 mins apart. So to add some details; we were always happy together, she would always tell me the usual "I love you, were getting married, you're my soul mate" and I believed it cause everything was so perfect. Before we were ever official, my ex, who I will call Lisa, kept getting in contact with me and so I was seeing if that could be rekindled we weren't official so it wasn't a very big deal. I told Sarah that I hung out with Lisa and we ended up kissing and that was it no big deal. Sarah was upset but we moved on, sorta. I knew that I didn't want anything to do with Lisa but Sarah thought that I still wanted her all the time. I deleted Lisa from Facebook and what not but she still always thought that. About 2 weeks before we officially broke up, we got into a fight and then got back together in a few days and both agreed that things needed to change cause we had been getting into silly arguments. We were at the mall and we were basically messing around, at least I thought, and I acted like I was going to get into the car and drive off, and it was pretty obvious that I was joking, and when turned around she was gone and I could never find her? She had a friend pick her up somewhere and thats it, thats how we broke up. Very immature. We talked for a few weeks after in text and phone calls. I was saying how much I missed her and tried really hard to get her back but nothing worked. She kept saying she only wanted to be friends that she wasn't in love with me anymore. Unless she is like satan I know she loved me. She had a hard home life and I was always there for. She always wanted a very special tattoo and, well she still lived at home and her parents were against that, so I went through alot of work to get her one without her parents knowing and so its like she can't permanently forget about me. Anyways, I'm in love with this girl and now she won't talk to me. I know I was that annoying bf that wouldn't give her space cause I kept trying to get her back and so eventually she just stopped talking to me and now wont text me pick up the phone or anything. I was still friends with her friend on Facebook and so Sarah got on it and saw that I added Lisa back which is cool cause that was a year ago and were just friends and Sarah wasn't talking to me so really I shouldn't care but I feel like now that she only thinks I didn't care and just went back to Lisa. Sarah loves Austin and thats where we both planned on going to school next fall. Well my best friend is going this Spring and had wanted to know if I wanted to go, I didn't plan on it because I would be down there soon anyways but I went ahead and told him yes since Sarah won't talk to me anymore. So I am moving in January. I just want her to know that I still really love and care about her and that I understand if she wants a break but I don't want to end up moving away and always regretting this. I don't know if I should tell her I'm moving or just leave it be. There is a very personal thing between us so that is what makes it even harder because I could just be like screw it and on to the next one, but a lot of girls won't understand what I go through personally, Ive always just had fun with girls and she was like the first girl to really accept me for who I am and so thats why its even harder. Shes the love of my life and I just want her back :\
    Last edited by ChillHill; 10-12-10 at 12:52 AM.

  2. #2
    girl68's Avatar
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    Do not double post. Your other one has been deleted.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    sorry...i just wanted a double opinion..

  4. #4
    girl68's Avatar
    girl68 is offline little person, big mouth
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    That's ok, but you're not allowed to do this in the future.

    Note: a lot of people won't read that. Break it up into readable paragraphs, because that just looks like a big boring hard to read wall of text.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Don't try to contact her. Don't tell her you're moving, just get on with your life. Start with a clean slate once you move.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Yeah -- its hard you are in panic mode right now but with time you will get through that. If she wants to come back she will but NOTHING you can do will convince her right now. Give her space...and at the same time work on you otherwise if you don't get over her when she does come back you'll be pathetic, whiny, clingy etc... which are actually very very non-attractive qualities.

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