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Thread: Class work putting stress on our relationship

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Class work putting stress on our relationship

    So I've been staying with my boy friend so I am able to go to classes we are in the same major and this is how we met. We have one class together this quarter and it was quite stressful. I tend to get frustrated easily and there was a lot of work that could easily get messed up and i was having problems with the computer program we were using. This happend once before, he called it a 'fit' but it was just me expressing my frustration I would kind of growl at my computer, sigh loudly and cry out of frustration but not to him. Well earlier in the quarter he blew up at me for it. And I do understand it is an immature habbit and it is annoy and I am trying to keep it to a minimum but its how I deal with that sort of stress. Anyhow last night we were working on finishing a final project that was do today and I accidentally deleted all the work i had done the night before, i and I became reality up set. Then I finished mine and he was still working on him and he was obviously frustrated and i took it to be that it was at me. So i was being slightly hostile when he talked to me. Then at the end of the evening there was one thing i had left to complete and I said that I didn't want to do it but i was obviously going to it apparently made him quite angry. Then here follows our conversation I come back from the bath room and hes sleeping on the air mattress (since im staying with him he lets me sleep in his bed)
    "Im worried"
    I ask about what
    "Next quarter"
    "What about next quarter the classes?
    "No about us."
    "If were picking at each other when the class isnt even that stressful I dont know whats going to happen next quarter"
    "So do you just want us to break up now and save the drama"
    "No thats not what I said"
    eventually it led to me crying and him saying he screws everything up and me saying I didnt want him to break up with me, and him saying that he wasnt he just didnt want me to break up with him cause hes a dick.

    Im really worried now, we don't ever really fight, except when it comes to this sort of thing and it never even entered my head that we would have problems next quarter and i get that hes going to be a dick when i get easily no matter how calmly i try to handle it. Please I need advice how to save my relation ship from myself!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    You know what?
    You're fighting over something trivial.
    You get frustrated, and he gets frustrated. It isn't even starting at a social level, it's just stress.

    How you deal with it isn't so trivial, because you're right, unless you two learn how to both cope and deal with each others stress, it's going to cause more stress. Guess where that's going.

    When you're in this mood, do you need or want him around? You need to figure out how to express what you need without being hostile. Then you need to make sure he knows how you are going to deal with it.
    He then needs to accept it. He should also have a similar plan.

    Partners cannot always 'fix' a stressful situation. If he finds your reaction to be unmanageable, he, or yourself needs to get away from it.
    It's doesn't have to be personal, and no one really needs to feel stressed or feel poorly because their partner is having a 'fit'. Unless it's something you've done to each other, there's no need to fight over it.

    I have my bad days, and I keep to myself on those days. I tell the children I'm not in the mood, and I need my space, I'll tell the wife I'm just in a bad mood, and do my own thing.
    Neither are really happy about it, but it avoids pointless aggressions and fighting.

    I think one of the worst things you can do when you're upset, is to bounce it off your partner, intentionally or not.

  3. #3
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    This is not rocket science. Just quit studying together.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

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