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Thread: Couple questions for the ladies :)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Couple questions for the ladies :)

    Hey there, forgive me if the questions I ask seem juvenile to you, I am 19 and I have never been in a relationship.

    1. In terms of stages of a relationship...when does it turn from dating to girlfriend/boyfriend status? I'm curious to know if asking "Will you be my girlfriend?" is like a step in the relationship or do people not do that?

    2. How likely is it that you date someone that randomly comes up to you? I know you ladies like to keep guys in your friends zone and that's what happen every time I befriend a girl.

    3. Last question! I have heard that women don't like men who compliment them on their looks on first meeting. Is that true? Because I would much rather go up to a woman and say "hi, you look cute (or whatever qualities that reflect her)..would you like to go out for lunch some time?"

    thanks and peace out!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    1) Every relationship is different. The timing is completely organic... you can't be like "all right, hit the 4 date mark, we're boyfriend/girlfriend!" Collage and "real" world dating I've found are different in terms of expectations and if/when you have the exclusive conversation, but my opinion is, the mature way to handle it is to ask if you're exclusive before you have sex. Beyond that, it really depends on the girl and how well you are clicking.

    2) Ya know why girls friend zone guys? Because the girl is not interested! Period. End of story. It is impossible to avoid the friend zone, because it's impossible to convince someone else to be interested in you. They either are or they are not. Every time you approach a girl you like, you risk her rejecting you/friend zoning you. That's just the way it is.

    3) I suspect if a guy compliments a girl's looks too much on the first date, the girl suspects he just wants in her pants or is using a line. My suggestion is to actually compliment her looks, but be very very specific about what you like, and stick with non-sexual body parts. Eyes, hair, mouth, hands. That way you're making it clear that you're attracted to her while showing her you value her individuality.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Hi there, your questions don't seem juvenile in the least. But then again, I haven't been in a relationship myself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Faylefox View Post
    3. Last question! I have heard that women don't like men who compliment them on their looks on first meeting. Is that true? Because I would much rather go up to a woman and say "hi, you look cute (or whatever qualities that reflect her)..would you like to go out for lunch some time?"
    I've heard that women like compliments and in that situation you don't know anything else about her except her appearence. I would find it counter intuitive if they didn't like it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    It's not juvenile. There are many dudes like yourself that have never had a GF, even dudes at the age of 24+ haven't. A lot of the reason is lack of confidence and over analyzing, like you are doing now. It is taking away from it to happen naturally, it's making you anxious instead. And yes girls can sense that. Never show weakness.

    The friends zone: Never ever be friends with a girl you want to date. Being friends with them, hoping they will get to know you and maybe like you, is a cowards way to try get girls....so STOP IT! It's will never work so stop wasting your time trying that route. You are a friend for a reason, you are not BF material.

    If you are going to compliment them, say "YOU are so cute" be more directive. You look cute is not as focused on her, get it?. Also you don't say can I or would you, say I want to take you out. You tell them, not ask. Never let them have the option to say no. Girls like a guy that takes the lead. That shows confidence. And they likie.

    Like one poster mentioned, never over do the compliments. You need to cut way back on the attention, and give it in small doses. Playing it kool, being distant or distracted, will draw attention to you. It's called the push and pull method. You want them to work for the attention. If you over text, answer them right away, you will look too eager, and that's weakness. They will quickly lose attention because you are not a challenge anymore.

    Same thing about giving gifts..... give them jack sh it. No gifts until it's a serious relationship and you both are in love. Never give gifts to try and impress or to get them to like you...you will be taken for granted and later dumped.

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