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Thread: Idk what to do...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Idk what to do...

    So I've been going out with this girl for 2 months...She said that she is sad...I asked and she told me she starts to think she doesn't like me when we stop texting, but when she comes over or starts texting me again she falls in love with me more.... What should I say/do because I don't know. She said she still wants to be with me an that everythings fine when we talk, but when we don't she doubts her love for me. Please Help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Insecure! Dude you don't want this kind of drama. In time you will just get sick of it. She will be the type to wonder off with your best friend because he gave her attention.....do you need this crap? no!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Not of this Earth
    Quote Originally Posted by ABRFan View Post
    So I've been going out with this girl for 2 months...She said that she is sad...I asked and she told me she starts to think she doesn't like me when we stop texting, but when she comes over or starts texting me again she falls in love with me more.... What should I say/do because I don't know. She said she still wants to be with me an that everythings fine when we talk, but when we don't she doubts her love for me. Please Help!


    Even though age has nothing to do with how people truly are:
    Experience + applied knowledge contained in experiences demonstrates her Maturity and Stability.

    In this case it sounds to me like she equates attention with love, and uses attention like
    an all you can eat buffet: except you're the one who's paying and she is the one who's eating...this does not work.

    She is VERY immature and is VERY unstable. She lacks self esteem, and exemplifies insecurity.
    She needs experience that you cannot give her; even if you could buy it at the store.

    What should you do?
    You sit her down, look her in the eye and do one of two things:

    (1) You tell her that you want a true meaningful relationship based on real love, not infatuation.
    -You tell her that you have to live your own life just as she has to live hers and that communication
    is based on a natural flow of availability and thoughtfulness, not based on her being constantly needy/pining
    for your attention whenever she DEEMS it fit and or necessary. Then give her a hug, a kiss and give her a chance
    to: let it sink in: and let her apply this. It can take time to manifest a change...

    (2) Recommended: You tell her that you do not want someone in your life
    that is putting their needs ahead of yours and that in a solid and stable relationship
    there has to be an understanding that your cell phone is not an electronic leash that she controls
    whenever she feels lonely, or needs to hear from you via a text.

    Then break up with her.
    This selfish and needy behavior doesn't subside, it gets worse.
    She may even follow you around and call you just to see if you tell her the truth so that
    if you weren't where you said you were she could use this as an excuse to irrationally punish you for it.

    I've been near death countless times due to needy women, but she honestly sounds like a lost little girl.
    And if experience is indicative of age then she has a LOT to learn before she can be in a serious relationship.

    Head for Thee Hillz!!!

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