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Thread: What Does She Want?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    What Does She Want?

    I started speaking to my ex over xmas after about 3/4months on no contact, and ever since she seems to be really flirty. Like as soon as I wished her merry xmas she was banging on about how she couldn't believe we'd known each other for a year and thanks for making her year a good one and every day since has gone on about how she misses me loads and we should meet up. On NYE she phoned about 6 times, initially trying to pop round with her little sister because she said her little sister said she was missing me, then trying to get me to go to town to meet her on NYE saying she owed me a NYE kiss. I said no but made up an excuse why I couldn't because I wanted to play a bit hard to get because she only seems so interested because I've always been the one chasing her like crazy, anyway she phoned me a few times whilst she was out, which I didn't answer saying I wouldnt have been able to hear her, then after I wished her a happy new year she replied "happy new year woo two kisses xx" so I just went hope you're having a good night then left it, then she randomly texted me "god guys are such pervs", which again I didn't rise to, and her mate said she was in a mood all night. Speaking to her today I said sorry for not being able to meet up and said we should meet up somewhen and she just kept going on and on about getting kissed last night, and I was trying to be jokey about it going haha passing yourself round eh, and she replied "yeh why not, its one of the positives about being single. I hadn't kissed anyone in ages so was just making sure i hadn't forgotten how, I would have saved my kiss for you but you weren't there". Now I'm not stupid, I know that's all just trying to get a reaction, which to be fair it eventually did because I asked if she didnt mind not talking about other guys because I'm sure she wouldnt like it the other way round to which she said "I don't wanna break your heart again I'm sorry but I love having you as a friend" which seemed a bit of a random reply when I hadn't even been talking about any of that, so I just went "me neither, I dont know what I want at the minute so lets just not rush things and see what happens" which she agreed to.
    What do you think she wants? We've been talking pretty much non stop since xmas, but I'm just a bit confused why she keeps wanting to meet up and phoning me loads, then being all mardy today and not wanting to meet up and saying she doesnt wanna hurt me again and things, just seems a bit of a weird thing to say?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    She wants to put u in the friends zone because she misses the attention, but not the relationship.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    UK: England
    I'm taking it that she ended things with you?

    Why allow her to toy with your feelings?

    Why care what the heck she may be looking for. Tell her to get lost and get her ego boost elsewhere.....from the new guy she kissed, that she made a point of mentioning. Sad cow is looking for a jealous reaction and unfortunately you fell into her trap.

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