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Thread: Need some advice about current situation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Need some advice about current situation

    Basically i been with her for almost 2 years, we broke up in october but continually act like we are still together. I expressed how i felt many times but she says she isn't ready for a relationship and she just wants to live her life and not commit. We have sex and we spend nights together and talk on the phone for hours and even sleep on the phone. New years ever she went out with her cousins to a club and i asked her if she danced with any guys out of curiosity. Her response was why does it matter to you i'm single anyways??? and she said yes she did dance with alot of guys. We obviously got into a fight, we spoke today and she said that i need to move on and she is sorry for leading me on and we just need to be friends and thats all no more living a LIE. We have all the same classes together this semster in college and i don't think i can let my feelings go for her, because i do love her and i want to be with her. Some advice will be wonderful please.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    It's another how do I get back with my ex thread. I understand what you're going through, but you seriously have to let it go. You're not going to get your ex back. If you do, it's going to fail anyway, so why not save yourself the trouble and let it go?
    I will do my best to reply with an educated, humble and honest answer. Ultimately, it is up to you whether you want to listen to my advice or ignore it completely. Sometimes, my advice may be wrong; occasionally, it will be right. Regardless, I want to do my best to give people answers they are seeking.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    i understand what your saying i really really do, and trust me i want to let it go, just dont know where to start, it sucks really badly that i have to be with her everyday and act normal. I know people go through this bs all the time and i have before too but after trying so hard for something you want and being faithful and having to give it up so instantly is hard. I don't just want to punk her and ignore her because thats not me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Cut off all contact, be busy with other things, play video games, go find a girl to f uck, anything to forget about her....just shut her out. And yes you want to ignore her....let her go dude, stop hanging on or you will have one hell of a time finding yourself a nice GF.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    lol.. cant cut her out, she is in all my classes, can't just f uck any random girls these days, not into that anymore want something real. Your right though that is what i should do, but its harder to do since i see her every frikin day, mutual friends, classes. Im stuck in a tight spot.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    and she just told me she is talking to someone she met on new years

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Not of this Earth
    Quote Originally Posted by amoha118 View Post
    Basically i been with her for almost 2 years, we broke up in october
    Why did you break up?

    Quote Originally Posted by amoha118 View Post
    We continually act like we are still together.
    Red Flag #1 You are just begging to get your feelings hurt when one or the other
    begins to exercise their freedoms due to being single...

    Quote Originally Posted by amoha118 View Post
    I expressed how i felt many times but she says
    she isn't ready for a relationship and she just wants to live her life and not commit.
    THIS should have told you all that you needed to now and tells me that
    YOU feel more for her than she feels for you. -This is horrible unhealthy for you and even worse:
    You're still having sex with an ex who doesn't feel the same for you.
    She wants to experience and have other men in her life period.
    You have to respect this and this means giving up SEX so that you too can find closure and move on.

    Quote Originally Posted by amoha118 View Post
    We have sex and we spend nights together and talk on the phone
    for hours and even sleep on the phone.
    (1) Having sex with anyone who doesn't feel for you what you feel for them is foolish.
    (2) Trust me, had she met someone else already: She'd be talking to them for hours: not you.

    Quote Originally Posted by amoha118 View Post
    She went out to a club and i asked her if she danced with any guys out of curiosity. Her response was why does it matter to you i'm single anyways??? and she said yes she did dance with alot of guys. We obviously got into a fight
    Don't lie. You didn't ask her out of curiosity and when you got the answer you didn't want to hear
    you more than likely threw it in her face about all the time you invested, about the sex and the hours on the phone...
    This is where you blew it man. She has every right to do whatever she wants, whenever she wants!
    This is what single people do: they go out, they dance, they: MEET new people and the opposite sex.

    Quote Originally Posted by amoha118 View Post
    We spoke today and she said that i need to move on and she is sorry for leading me on and we just need to be friends and thats all no more living a LIE. We have all the same classes together this semster in college and i don't think i can let my feelings go for her, because i do love her and i want to be with her. Some advice will be wonderful please.
    You love her.
    She does not love you.
    She wants new experiences.
    She is sorry for leading you on:

    You had no issue allowing her to use you for sex yet you undoubtedly B-lamed her for your
    willingness continue this baseless sexcapade while you KNEW all along she didn't feel for you
    ......what you felt for her, not even close, hence the anger and jealousy.

    You were living a lie and it was more than convenient for you choosing to create this
    fantasy world as you went along. Do the right thing:

    Get over her, stop talking about her.
    Stop calling, texting and seize all contact with her.

    Man up and realize this was all your fault.
    You allowed this to happen and knew she didn't want a commitment.

    When you break up: You move on and don't look back.
    You don't get involved emotionally with someone else UNTIL you find
    closure knowing that this girl also used you for sex, and that you didn't mean a thing to her.

    She doesn't love you, she doesn't want you, she doesn't need you.
    The sooner you realize this for yourself the better.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    your absolutley right, but she told me she loved me 2 days ago. I deleted her off facebook and i explained to her why i cant keep the ties, but i think we will remain friends due to our school together, can't just block her out of my life because she is always around. Your right, maybe she did use me for sex hence she was a virgin before me and i guess she was just content and in a routine with me. I have to move on and understand the she doesnt want me or need me, it just really hurts that she is talking to someone else soo fast and she just told me she loves me and we slept together very recently. This really sucks big time, i am very smart but i let me heart get the best of me when it comes to her. It's sad but thank you for ur response

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    we broke up because we fought alot and had insecuritries trusting eachother at times. I lied to her twice just to get her attention even though they were made up lies. Her parents were strict on religion differences but yet they were still cool with me but that bugged her alot. She broke her virgiinity with me when we were both drunk which really bugged her alot. Thats the reasons i beleive.

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