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Thread: Internet Relationship and Phone Sex (Serious post)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Internet Relationship and Phone Sex (Serious post)

    Hi everyone, I have a question about phone sex. I have been in an internet relationship for the past 7 months. I have no qualms about it, it has been going fairly well for the most part. We are both in college and he has other things at school that take up his time so we have not been able to see each other yet. In the 7 months that we have been internet dating, we have had phone sex 3 times. Now, during these 7 months we usually talk either every day or every other day at the least. We talk through video chat, texts, phone calls, and emails. Last week, we had phone sex over video chat. Like I said, it was the third time we'd tried it... but that was Sunday, and today is Friday. I have not heard from him since. The first time we had phone sex he contacted me the next day. The second time he didn't contact me for a few days. But this time it has been 4.5 days and I am wondering if this is something to worry about. I am trying to apply some of the mind/mental dating principles to this relationship, such as not being available to talk 100% of the time, and not being the one to always contact him first, as well as keep myself busy. I have had several guys tell me that after having sex (phone sex in my case) it is best that the woman continues to go about her normal days and not get clingy or extremely emotional. I am trying not to get emotional or overreact about this, so my question is how long much longer should I wait before I become get worried about him not calling me yet? Should I attempt to hit him up or should I let him come to me? Thanks so much....

    I attempted to ask for advice on other forums such as Yahoo Answers and the like, but all I got were responses such as "you should never have kids" or "get a life" or "what is wrong with you... get a real boyfriend." I am a very busy girl and I'm a junior in college trying to get my credits in line... me and this guy plan to meet in person and spend real time together so that whole thing is not an issue to me. I just would like some advice/insight into the question I posted above. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    You have been with him for 7 months, so I think it's okay if you ask him what the deal is. Just tell him (in a non-clingy way!) that you've been wondering about this. I think you should be able to talk to your bf about things like that, especially when you have a relationship like you guys do. It can be really hard to trust and know where the other one's at, which is why communication is key. (Talking from experience )

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