Hi all here. Ok for quite sometime now I have had this crush on this woman that works for a bank here in Perth Australia. After work normally on Fridays I go to a coffee Cafe and normally catch up with friends there for a coffee and now and again she's also there with her lady friends from work, not all the time but occasionally. On the other note sometimes I bump into her in the Borders book store in perth now and again too, mainly after work on the weekdays. We've made eye contact a few times as well but nothing serious.

I dont know what it is but I am just attracted to this woman, its soemthing about her I like.

Now here the other story (perhaps you can answer this one for me). A while back i was in Borders Book Store looking/browsing at some magazines on the shelf, and she came around the corner and saw me, she quickly turned around and walked the other way like feeling embarrased or what ever. Does this mean she hates my guts and find me unattractive (I am definately not unattractive and have alot of complments from women telling me I am very handsome and thats the honest truth) but it made me feel down when she did this i.e quickly turned the other way.

I really want to ask her out for coffee and lets say start off as a friend first and take it from there but I am bit scared to do so.

Advice please.