Hello all! My name is Ern and I hail from somewhere in Canada ;} I am a humble & confident 28 year old with respect to typical social encounters, however, am extremely shy (to the point of 'freezing') when pursuing potential love interests... I have recently developed a genuine urge to find someone to perhaps develop a long term relationship with... However, my lack of experience with the ladies is troubling me (it is virtually non-existent - I have friends of the opposite sex, but I've never been pursued or vice-versa for dating or relationship considerations). I have devoted my entire life building my character (solid, honest, and consistent); ensuring that my loved ones (family & friends) can depend on me for help and to share good times; and to be independent and able to sustain my lifestyle... Anyhow, I hope I'm not the only one riding this boat, I hope to be able to learn from the experiences of this community. Anyway, thanks!