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Thread: What are his intentions?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    What are his intentions?

    All my previous relationships i've had have always ended in disaster with me getting hurt. My ex used me and then spread nasty rumours about me throughout my uni.

    And i've met a new guy who unfortunately is fairly well aquainted with my ex who has been showing an interest but because i've been so badly stung i don't know how to treat it..

    It started off with him texting me saying he liked me and i should forget about my ex. Nothing has happened between us yet mainly because i'm scared its all a big con and he doesn't actually like me! He came over on wednesday night and we chatted for about an hour and i am beginning to like him. The good thing is he hasn't tried to make a move on me even when i asked him over so we could talk and didn't presume i asked him over for sex.

    But he has slept with my friend who really likes him (before i knew either of them) and she said as soon as she slept with him he lost interest in her. However he said it was a one night stand and has told her he's not interested.

    Because of my bad experience i can never work out a guy's intentions so i thought i'd find out what other people think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Hmm its always hard to say mate, especially cos i have never met the guy or know anything at all about him. Because youve been burned before your naturally skeptical, but if you keep on thinking negatively about every man then you may well miss your chance at having an amazing relationship and future with 'the one'. My advice to you is take it slow, dont completely brush him off cos of the past but definetly be cautious. Do you know about his past relationships, i.e more than one night stands has he had long term girlfriends?
    Also be honest with him, tell him you want to take it slow because you have been hurt in the past but dont go into too many details or start slagging off your ex (his mate). If he is really interested and a decent guy he will be fine taking things slow and at ur pace until you are comfortable and know what move to take.

    Hope this is useful to u mate, best of luck let me know how it goes xx
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    this reminds me one of my relationship, and i have to confirm. Boys are sometimes able to hunt you for months and than the power of love falls so fast to zero (understand sex only). Worst of it is, that i had to break the relationship in this time, for them sometimes it seems "good enough relationship".

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