ok ladies I met this girl and we startes talking we dated exclusively for a month and then one day she said she wanted to take a step back because things seem to move a little fast an her emotions were hard to manage. All in all she said that no feelings has changed but its hard because we dont drive so its just an emotional burden. I asked her what she wanted what her I dea of what things wold be better for us to be together. She stated that whwn we dont have to use peepl for rides and we dont have to constantly let each other down. We seem to talk alot you know daily tests call every ther day just to tell me that she misses me. So I told her that if we care about each other we should be honest with each other and if somethng came up with a new lover we would let each other know so that we dont feel betrayed. Shel send me an occasional riskea picture and tells me when shes alone about she thought of me.
I guess all in all it comes down ot me being worried that I am gnna keep her around emotiomally and be hurt but all the signs seem to be positive but I just have that feeling of being played.
The whole things that makes me wanna stay is i too have feelings and I will have my car bac in month so we can see each other again and things I hope would be great agian.....am i doing the right thing or is it just my mind holding on to someone amazing/