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Thread: Was it the Distance?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Was it the Distance?

    Ok I'm new to the whole forum thing, but anyway.

    So I met this girl at uni, she was doing the same course as me, and we soon became really good friends, to the point of hanging out for hours after uni before catching our trains home. Anyway I liked her from the moment I met her, and towards the end of the year we started going out. Turns out she had liked me for as long as I had liked her. When we were together it was fantastic, I loved her and she loved me.

    So anyway, before we got together I auditioned for a place at a Uni in a different state, which is reputedly the best in the country. Over the Christmas break, I found out that I had gotten in. So of course I was torn as to what I should do. When I informed her that I was offered a place, she said that I would be mad not to take it. In fact, if not for her encouragement, I may not have accepted the offer.

    We discussed what would happen with us, and we agreed that we would give a long distance relationship a shot. However, shortly before I had to leave, she said that she couldn't do this and that we had to break up, although she admitted that she still had feelings for me. Naturally I was heart broken, as I was crazy about her.

    I've talked to her a few times since I've started the new course, and she's now saying that she has absolutely no feelings for me, and we wouldn't get back together even if I came back.

    So basically I'm not sure what to do from here. I don't buy everything that she's said. I've considered asking someone else out, just do attempt to distract myself, but I can't stop thinking about her.

    Thoughts? Comments?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Don't throw your life away over a girl. Relationships will come and go in your life so don't ditch a perfect opportunity to make something of yourself. You are young and are only thinking in the here and now, but from an mature much older person's perspective (me), she did the right thing by letting you go. She is just one of many that will capture your heart....you have your whole life ahead of you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    I was never going to take her over the university, I have enough sense to realise that would have been stupid. I guess what really hurts is that as far as I knew, she cared about me as much as I cared about her, and I was willing to give the long distance thing a shot. I just think you never know unless you try. I guess I just find it hard to believe that she could fall out of love so quickly.

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