Hi everybody! It's nice to be here!

I don't know exactly what to say so let me tell you a little about myself.
I have passed through some break ups in my life and I learned VERY, VERY much with these stages of my life. I can say that I became stronger and I know myself, my feelings, and my reactions better.
My friends always come to ask me to help them and to give them some advice. Helping them with my experience is very good to me too so I can think about what I've done wrong and learn even more with my past. I don't wanna make the same mistakes and I don't want people to make my mistakes. I thought it would be great to share what I've learned so I'm joining some forums, writing some articles, and started a blog about break ups and relationships called [URL="http://getting-your-ex-back-tips.blogspot.com/"]Getting your ex girlfriend (or boyfriend) back[/URL]. There you can read and download the articles you like in pdf format free.
I'm having some bad times with my 7 months girlfriend by these days but I'm sure it won't last long because we love so much each other and we communicate very well and I think good communication is the key to a good relationship.

Hope we all can help each other