Okay so, I am deeply in love with my girlfriend and she is the most beautiful girl in the world to me. She told me she used to not believe in Love and she finds it difficult to convey her feelings. I have told her I loved her on many occasions and recently she told me that she doesn't know if she can say it because she doesn't know what it is or what it's supposed to feel like. But, she tells me all the time how I mean the world to her, how I'm the best boyfriend in the world, and how I'm handsome and sweet, etc. I've been doing my best to show her how much I love her, and I tell her how beautiful she is (inside and out) on almost every occasion. I have come up with an idea which I think will really help. I want to make her a scrapbook of sorts in which I put poems, songs, pictures, and whatever I can think of to express the true meaning of love. All in all, I was hoping you guys could give me some ideas of what to put in there and maybe how to start. Please, this girl means the world to me. Thank you for your help guys! :]