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Thread: This girl I work with.

  1. #1
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    This girl I work with.

    I just got through with a relationship about a month ago. I mean im not really looking for another one, but Im very willing to meet new people. Im in college and I recently got a new job. Well there is this very attractive girl that also works there. We talk some and I feel comfortable talking to her, Im not shy or anything. But this girl is the bosses daughter. She is also currently in college and lives in a apartment in a different town than her parents. Were both 19 years of age. I really would like to go out sometime and get to know this girl. But this girl is going to school to be a lawyer and her dad is a multi-millionaire or close to it. Im just a small town guy going to school to get my Bachelors in Computer Science. I just dont know if I even have a chance really. I mean she seems like she enjoys talking to me, and the way she talks it seems like she doesnt get out much and doesnt really have fun. I have only been at this new job for about 2 weeks. How can I go about asking this girl out, like just as friends one weekend. Since we have every weekend off. She also told me where her apartment is, maybe drop by and see her one day? I dont know, any suggestions would be appreciated.

  2. #2
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    I don't see any problem with the small town guy and big town girl thing, what I do see a problem with is you work with her and, unless that was some type of expression, her father's the bossman. Sounds like a sticky situation to me.

  3. #3
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    GO FOR IT!! what d'u have to lose? even if she says 'no', she'll be flattered. i've had guys i wouldn't consider going out with ask me out, and it doesn't change our friendship at all. in fact, i think more of them for having the guts to ask.

    oh and one more thing...maybe you should find out whether she has a boyfriend first...?

    and i don't really see the fact that you work together as an obstacle...she IS the boss's daughter, so that means she doens't HAVE to work there; it's not a proper job you get what i mean? she's more like...helping out. think of it that way. and so why should her dad think any different of you taking her out than any other guy? does working for him make you not good enough for his daughter? i don't think so. at least you're not shy! go figure!!

    Good luck!!

  4. #4
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    Yea kinda. But I REALLY REALLY want to get to know her. Like I said, I dont think she really gets out much. I would like to show her some fun maybe, ya know.

  5. #5
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    outside of your window
    give it a shot dude, situations like this are things people let slip between their fingers, if your as sprung on her as you seem, you dont want to pass this up because your scared of reprocussions, just ****in go for it, if you lose your job so what!!
    im the shit like mr.hanky


  6. #6
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    yea doll69 I know where your coming from. I really dont think she has a boyfriend, but I need to find out first lol. I will be happy if she lets me take her out ONCE, it would make my day. I dont give a damn if the boss cares or not, I mean hes a nice guy. But i can go back to my old job anyday. I wonder if I should kinda start flirting with her a lil?

  7. #7
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    Yes! And another thing, if she doesn't get out much, she's MORE likely to say yes. Why? Because she's probably have less "contacts" and get asked out less often. Just my opinion.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by gman796
    She also told me where her apartment is, maybe drop by and see her one day?
    Did SHE say maybe drop by and see her one day? If so I'd say go for it.

    I'm in a similar situation with my next door neighbor. She's extremely attractive (by my standards) and sweet. I put a note on her door one night something to the effect of 'say, why don't we walk up to the neighbor bar tonight for a drink just for the heck of it?" She never acknowledged the note or said anything but a week later, I had just walked in and she knocked on my door and said "did you just knock on my door?." I hadn't but the more I thought about it I felt that could have been a flirt.

    I'm playing it by ear and seeing what happens. Neighbors, co-workers, it can become complicated. On the other hand, your girls Father IS a millionaire, might be worth the risk.

  9. #9
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    Thanks for all the replies guys. Today I went to work and we both said hey to each other and all. Well we were in the warehouse together alone and we were talking, well after a while we kinda started picking on each other for fun ya know. Had a good conversation going, then it HAPPENED. She pulled out her IPOD and said come here and ill show you some pics. Well the 2nd pic she showed me was her BF(NOOO!!!). Then I just lost hope right there. But about a hour later I was walking through the hallway and I passed by the room she was in and she was just coming out and she kicked me and started giggling. She said she has been going out with her BF for almost 2 years and she said it in a disgusted way. Was the kick a sign of flirting or just playing around as in a friend? I dont really know what to do now, I swear I didnt think she had a boyfriend. But what do you expect from a cute college chick.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by gman796
    Yea kinda. But I REALLY REALLY want to get to know her. Like I said, I dont think she really gets out much. I would like to show her some fun maybe, ya know.
    Show 'er your wanker. That'll make for a good time for sure. (if at least an interesting one)

  11. #11
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    I think that would be a little bit to much lol. I just want to take her out to eat and to a movie maybe. But now that I know she has a BF, I shouldnt do anything. I dont really want to mess with the guys girl. I aint that bad.

  12. #12
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    i feel for you. i hate getting all excited about somebody then finding out they have a bf/gf...

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