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Thread: Gay? Confused? Shy? Stright? Player?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Gay? Confused? Shy? Stright? Player?

    While I was away on a recent holiday my mates meet this guy Brendan down at the beach at 1am. He ended up doing back with them ( 2 gay guys, 2 very shy ladies with one being chubby and one obese) He gave a which I was told a friendly kiss to one of them. The 1 gay guys gave Brendan a foot and hand massage.

    2 weeks later Brendan meet me (not remembering the other chick AT ALL) and told one of my mates Troy (whom is gay, who has a partner but Brendan asked him to take him shopping) that I was pretty sexy.

    1 week later from that date he comes around and we end up making out (as well as falling of a chair breaking the chair and falling down the stairs) and laying in the same bed. Wake up and his on the couch. Wake up again and his gone. He texted Troy that arvo to get my number and we had a few txts back and forth. I havent got the ones I sent back but Ill right what he said to me:

    Text 1 " Hay how are you. Sorry bout last night got your number off troy"
    Text 2 "Hope I didnt do anything stupid last night. Im sorry."
    Text 3 "hope you had a good day"
    Text 4 "The only thing I remember is falling down the stairs with you "
    Text 5 " Yeah nothing out of the orginary. Um bit of an out there question but would you like to go out some time"
    Text 6" Good were bouts do you live. I will think of something nice for us to do goodnight"
    Text 7 " Nu nyt "

    THE NEXT DAY (monday)

    Text 8 " Have a good day today :-p"
    Text 9 " Send me a pic" (that was that night after I txt him saying I hope he had a good day)

    I hadnt heard from him all week so i txt him Friday asking him to come around he didnt reply. He ended up coming around on Sat (at 1am and left at 10am). He was very very very shy. He didnt hug or kiss me all night. But we ended up sitting on the couch (me him and the 2 gay guys) talking and playing never have I ever. Troy offered Brendan a foot massage and Brendan asked me for a hand massage. While we played never have I ever Brendan asked "Has anyone had a fantasy about someone in this room" and we were guilty. He kept being sorta flirty like kept looking at me. And he kept asking me to make him his drinks even though I made them way 2 strong for his liking

    Once he left and I got back home (i was at one of the gay boys houses) I txt him and said "Hope you had a good day we all going out for dinner thursday you should come"
    His reply was " Are you busy?" followed quickly by "Dw"

    Im majorly confused. All I know is his very very very very shhy unless his drinking obvioulsy.

    Any help any advise. I no his shy so how do I handle it I dont wanna b full on and scare him and push him away coz I think he needs friends. But I do want this date and see were all this goes.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Oh and he make me nervous I'm a very confident person but he make me all nervous and give me "butterfly fields" as ive been calling them all day. Ive never felt like this over a guy ever.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Update. I texted him today saying "Hey did you still wanna do something" And he hasnt replied. I really dont get what he is playing at.
    He seems totally shy. But I'm not sure if he is interested and how to play this without being crazy or scare him away.
    I just dont know what to do now. I've almost never felt like this before.

    Any ideas what do I do?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    He may not have received your message (memory full, hasn't checked mobile, out of charge, something else). If you want to arrange a date with him, I would recommend calling. If he likes you, you shouldn't be able to scare him off that easily unless he has some more serious problems than shyness. Just don't do something crazy like send multiple messages in a row before he has a chance to answer.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    I'm a very confident person I can speak to anyone, bring this guy into and I totally freak out I'm not 2 sure what to say or do. His one guy that can basically shut me up. I'm thinking of just waiting till the weekend no doubt he'll pop over again at some point. I just dont really like waiting and these kinds of mind games it gets me all annoyed and I dont wanna push him away as a friend. hmm

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