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Thread: stay or go

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    stay or go

    I am currently involved in an open relationship with this guy. I never pressed the issue of us becoming committed because when i met him he was coming out of a relationship and i wasn't looking for anything long term because i was planning on moving soon. Well i graduate college at the end of this month and he wants me to stay here with him and become an item. The only major draw back i have is his feelings towards the mother of his child. I think he still has some type of feelings towards her but he has told me numerous times that they could never be together because she is a spiteful person. She is always trying to do something negative towards him. She also lives in the same town as us and i"m scared that if i stay, one day he'll wake up and decided to try to work things out with her. I know love is a huge gamble but what of the odds of me coming out on top???? I'm really confused and scared. The connection and emotions we have for each other are ridiculous! We fell for each other so hard and so fast. I just need an opinion on what to do. I know that if i move back home this relationship will end because i'm not into the whole long distance thing.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Yeah I stay well away!

    Your too young to deal with baby mum drama. Look she and the child will always come first, you can easily find s guy in your age range who does not have this baggage

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Even if he felt nothing toward her, she would undoubtedly play a negative role in your life. She's spiteful toward him, she'll be the same toward you.

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