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Thread: Used?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004


    My ex boyfriend who is 17 dumped me yesterday. I am younger than him, and in a lower grade. Anyway, he said he dumped me because he was having a bad time lately and always in trouble. Well then I found out that he was talking about it to someone on the phone right in front of me when my other friend was standing right there and told the person on the phone that he was going to dump me, and he was laughing about it. Oh yeas, a little tibit that wasnt mentioned is that he smokes heavily, weed, and came to school blazed and I got a bit angry at him because it happend numerous times. Also all of his friends are potheads also. And then today through aim he told me how he thought i was annoying, and how past things we've gone to under my influence were "gay". I really need to get over the fact of how he used me, probably just to **** me, which i would do with him only after 6 weeks of dating. He also said he wasnt "having fun" whatever that means. He was a first for a lot of things, none being under the belt. How do i get over him, and begin to trust guys again, if you think he did use me? How do I show him that I am better than him?
    Also, I bought him a christmas present, should I give it to him? I have his coat, how should I give it back?

    - allison

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Do not give him a christmas present. And don't bother giving him his coat back (I didn't get my shorts back after my girlfriend broke up with ME, so no way should you give it back if he broke up with YOU).

    To be honest, it sounds like he may have in fact used you. He's the shitbag reason that guys get a bad rap and why I have to suffer from girls not being trusting.

    To get over him, give it time and distract yourself from thinking/obsessing about it a lot.

    As to trusting guys, you really SHOULD trust someone at SOME point. Just maybe this time make SURE that YOU'RE ready to get into bed and don't let them use lines like, "If you loved me" or "I don't see what the big deal is" etc. etc.

  3. #3
    Junket's Avatar
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    Get your money back, and buy somethin' for yourself, then set his coat on fire in front of him. You won't regret it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    You will trust other guys in time mate, it will just take the right person. Yes there are shitheads out there, both guys and girls who will continually just use people to get what they want (i.e sex, money etc) but there are also decent people, and you will find someone like that eventually. Dont give him a christmas present, either get your money back, or is there someone else you can give it to? Dad, brother, lad mate etc?

    As for the coat, if you want to keep it go ahead, tho it may remind you of him and therefore wont help with the getting over him...if its a nice coat you could sell it or give it someone else if your feeling nasty...but simply giving it him back in passing or dropping it round his house may help with the closure.

    Go out with your friends, have some fun and concentrate on your school work...another guy will fall into place when the time is right

    best of luck -x-
    ******* 7 Times World Champion Michael Schumacher - the ultimate sporting hero *******

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    shucks, thanks for the advice.. I just.. I have no schoolwork for winter break, and I still really care about him.
    Thanks though.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    of course you still care about him...he dumped you...you now have to start the process of moving on...because it doesnt look like he cares about you an awful lot! Definetly do something else with the xmas pressie...your call on the coat...and if you have no school work surely you should be !!!! im at uni and have lots of work on so not a lot of time to spend with bf and my mates...so go out with your friends and make the most of not having any work
    ******* 7 Times World Champion Michael Schumacher - the ultimate sporting hero *******

  7. #7
    Junket's Avatar
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    "Hot Love Pancake(s)"
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    Why doesn't anybody ever take any of my advice?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Listen, Woman...

    Give him his present. Give him his coat. And give him some respect!

    You probably annoyed the shit out of him until he was forced into nothing other than relationship suicide.

    Let him keep on blazin', and don't forget to iron the coat before you return it.

    Do Not Ask Questions - Just Listen.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by IKnowEverything
    Listen, Woman...

    Give him his present. Give him his coat. And give him some respect!

    You probably annoyed the shit out of him until he was forced into nothing other than relationship suicide.

    Let him keep on blazin', and don't forget to iron the coat before you return it.


    uhms. me give him respect?!
    youre one guy i dont want to meet.
    thanks but no thanks
    the hey woman thing was very womanizing.
    get a life.

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