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Thread: What does he want from me?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    What does he want from me?

    About 2 or 3 months ago I met this guy Jake. We talked almost every night for a month and we both developed feelings for him. I liked him A LOT, & its safe to say I was falling for him, but I wouldent say I loved him. Anyway, he told me he made out with some other girl and liked her more. We didnt talk for a month. Then about a week ago he messaged me on facebook saying he felt bad, etc. The conversation really wasnt going anywhere and eveuntally he just stopped messaging me. I text him later apologizing for being such a *****, and he sent me another message on facebook.

    He was trying to make it casual, so I jokingly said "yeah but im still not happy with you, kid" and from then on he was kinda being an asshole, and eveuntally just stopped answering me. I want to meet up with him in person if im going to tell him what im thinking, because obviously all he wants to do is deny. But were not really in a state where we could just hang out, and if I tell him its because I just want to talk about everything thats going on I dont know if he will meet with me or not. I understand that hes trying to put the past behind us but I need to know I can trust him.

    But honestly, what does he want? And why did he even come back in contact with me if hes being like this? I thought he might still have feelings for me...but im not sure.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Oh look, it's this thread again.

    Instead of wondering what he wants, maybe you should look toward yourself first. What did you do to make him lose interest? I've gathered, from your many posts on this very subject, that you have a tendency to be a doormat, you're passive-aggressive, demanding, and probably just a general pain in the ass. Big turn-offs. It's probably time to let it go. It wasn't anything that serious and he seems like kind of a dick anyway.

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