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Thread: Never get cheated again!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    In a far and unknown land

    Never get cheated again!

    When my girlfriend dumped me for another guy I felt like the last person in the world, but know this thing can be avoided. I found out that knowing someone mailbox can give you his true image and never get hurt again. You can even know o person's character before get involved and the problems to appear.

    No one can hide forever and when you want to make sure the person is whom you think it is, it's better to make sure. This could save you from a lot pain, disillusion and even can save your life. If you have problems, I can help you so you don't get hurt or live with the constant worry "Does she/him has anyone else?"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    tell more?

    i found it out (i was suspecting sth is going on for 2-3 months, but had no "evidence") in her msn chat logs..over 40 pages of it...

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