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Thread: Not sure what to do anymore. REALLY confused.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Not sure what to do anymore. REALLY confused.

    -tell girl her I love her/feel very strongly about her after I've been holding it in for a while.
    -i then say: "i'm not going to ask you if you love me, but i just needed to get that off my chest"
    -she says: "lol, you know I love you. well I thought you did. I dunno why we've been saying 'i love you' if you didn't :@"
    -meanwhile, elsewhere, she says: "WHY ARE THINGS SO COMPLICATED"
    -I start spazzing out because I was afraid of what her reacting would be and she says it's cute
    -everything after that remained the same

    it's like nothing happened at all. I guess I should be happy the stuff I was worrying about didn't happen, but somehow I still feel... I don't know. She's my ex too, so I wasn't expecting us to get back together. Not sure what I was expecting. I was guessing she might have mistaken what I meant. don't know if I should even make a move. don't know how I'd even do that with an ex. i mean, she dumped me some time last year. the past few months she's been talking to me as though she likes me and other days she pretty much ignores me. recently, she's even kept her feet on cam for me, because I have a foot fetish. there seems to be another guy though. she doesn't think she's good enough for him. this whole thing is so weird. jesus christ, i'm so confused.

  2. #2
    Mathias's Avatar
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    You either need to take charge of this and be with her, or get out entirely. It's not going to end well if you keep this up.

    Decide what you want out of this, then do it. That's what she's waiting for.

  3. #3
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    Apr 2011
    Yeah, I figured. I'm pretty much a huge beta though. This other guy is also my best friend, who I honestly can't stand anymore. Lately, she hasn't talked to me much unless he's away or if he isn't talking to her. When I do start a conversation, I get really dull responses. She complained to me once about how he abandons her to talk to "cooler people", and that it depresses her. I feel like I'm just being used sometimes, as that guy who's there with a shoulder to cry on. I feel like, even if we did date again, she'd be trying to replace him with me (comparing me to him and stuff like that), or using me as a substitute for him. Despite this, I still want to be with her.

    Are there any sort of obvious things I should be looking for to show that I'm not just friend-zoned or something? I'm getting really mixed feelings from her, especially during these last 2 weeks or so.
    I'm still not sure how I should even go about doing this with an ex who dumped me.

  4. #4
    Mathias's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wellokay View Post
    . When I do start a conversation, I get really dull responses. She complained to me once about how he abandons her to talk to "cooler people", and that it depresses her. I feel like I'm just being used sometimes, as that guy who's there with a shoulder to cry on. I feel like, even if we did date again, she'd be trying to replace him with me (comparing me to him and stuff like that), or using me as a substitute for him.
    If this is the case, get out now.

    And work on the Beta thing. That's a big deal - not just in relationships, but in life as well. You don't deserve to be treated like that. Don't allow people to do it.

  5. #5
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    You are friend-zoned. She is using you and your feelings for her to try to keep her confidence up while she goes after different guys. Start looking elsewhere for romantic opportunities.

    Good luck.
    Brought to you by Dating With Devon!

  6. #6
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    Before this best friend thing, she was an awesome friend. Seriously one of the few people that I could actually talk to, but now I feel so scared to talk to her. Maybe it isn't being scared, but I get nervous. Anyway, I really don't want to get out of this, but I know I should. Obviously, I'm going to have to talk to her. Well, maybe not obviously. I mean, I don't want to just ignore her. I still want to be her friend, because she's also pretty much all I have (and enjoy), besides my best friend, who I can't stand. Should I bring up this friend-zone thing when I talk to her? I can't think of any way to bring up this whole thing to her.

    also, thanks for the answers guys. I really do need to do something about being a beta. then maybe I wouldn't be stuck in situations like this.

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