
I have never really "dated", I guess I usually attract needy girls and we get serious from the beginning. I've been in 4 long term (2+ year) relationships. I just met this great girl about 3 weeks ago. we share similar interests, but still maintain our independent lives. At first I could tell from her body language that she was interested. We would send flirty texts back and forth and plan out our next meet up. within the first week of meeting, she came over for a dinner with my roommates(another couple). She helped cook and she was happy and things went very well. We said goodbye outside with some heavy kissing and talked about hanging out the next day. On to the next night! I drove up to meet her and she picked a nice place to eat. after dinner we took a long walk on the beach. we talked about what we both wanted. I said I to take things slowly, its better this way in the long run. Now, I had never really taken things slowly... the night couldn't have been more perfect, we got along great. There was lots of heavy kissing and feeling up. We ended the night with a long kiss and I drove back home. It was her idea to hang out the next day. We both went to sleep a little past 2:30AM, so we were a little tired. She came over to my house and we went around the city, just hanging out. She seemed a bit quite. I was also picking up a vibe like she didnt really want to hang out. I brought this up and she just said that she was tired from last night and a little hungry. So we ate. She didnt seem like she wanted to talk, so I didn't force anything. We met some friends and I sort of wandered away as she spoke to some people she knew. Later that evening I had a dinner at a friends house. I really didnt think she wanted to go, but she did. it was a little shock to me, maybe i read her wrong? I also thought that she was a little stand offish because we both had different religious beliefe. She said She was fine with it. This was just a thought that came to me. we show up at my friends house and she talks to everyone except me, ha! she didn't know anyone there. I felt a little frustrated, because I had been trying to get her to open up more all day and here she is talking to everyone else like nothing is wrong. We ate and left. We get back to my house and she comes inside. She was a bit more talkative and she initiated some heavy kissing. we did that for a few minutes, then she left. We went the next week with very few text messages. She went out of town over the weekend, but we planned to hang out (yesterday). We met up and things were a bit weird at first, still a little awkward? after a couple hours things opened up and started going great. we ended up having nothing in mind to do so we just sat in my car and talked. we then decided to eat, so off we went. after dinner we walked down to the water, held each other and talked for quite a while. we kissed a bit, but it was different this time. She was more into it and started to do little things that really turned me on. She is going out of town again this weekend, but we left on great terms. My question is, am i reading into this too much? I am laying off contact, I see that it is creating some of the anxiety that I am feeling. I know that she is interested, I should just take it for what it is.