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Thread: I made my ex jealous. Is all hope lost?

  1. #1
    nyy's Avatar
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    I made my ex jealous. Is all hope lost?

    Ok so my ex of 2 years broke up with me last week. I tried to reason with the breakup, but she said she needed to be by herself, then I accepted. I knew what I did wrong in the relationship, and how she was feeling. I called her 4 days later trying for another chance but got no where.

    Today I went on facebook and I noticed that everything she was posting on her wall seemed to be so happy. This made me upset because I have been depressed the past few days and shes happy! So high on emotions I requested this girl to be my friend that my ex dislikes. They used to be friends but girl drama happened. Last year the girl was telling my ex how I was so hot, and how she would **** me if we werent together. Yea my ex didnt like this. I knew I was going to make her jealous but at the time it felt so right.

    I then decided to finally change my relationship status to single. My ex hadnt changed hers because she said she was not ready to completley let me out of her life.

    Shortly after my ex went on and saw all of this. She posted on her wall 'people are funny...nothing suprises me anymore.' and changed her relationship status and defriended me. I blocked her to avoid any other complications.

    I feel like this really hurt my chances of reconcilliation, should I call my ex and explain that I was not trying to make her jealous? What should I do because I do want to be back in a relationship with this girl.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    To be honest, you are really young. Facebook drama? Really guys? I am assuming you are in high school or college, and likewise, without being rude, you both had an immature relationship. Don't take this the "bad" way, immaturity is a reality in life. It by no means that you are "immature for your age," but rather you are both very young and in all likelihood, the long run won't work out for you guys.

    My advice would be this:

    (1) apologize to her and be completely honest about what you did and why you did it. You should mention that it is very immature, and that you were wrong in doing so. DO NOT do this to put yourself on an alter of sacrifice in some lame attempt to show your vulnerability to gain her attention and for her to take you back. Simply repair whatever bridges you burned.

    (2) more often than not, break ups generally translate to a permanent ending between two people. Yes, they may date on and off for a bit longer, but eventually there is too much relationship "baggage" that makes the relationship dysfunctional. You two were obviously having problems to begin with. You need to give her time and space.

    (3) move on for now. Things are too toxic and corrupt to just get back together. Yes, you love her/miss her/think about her. Life DOES GO ON! I promise. Don't move into any relationships right now, and work on being comfortable with yourself without being in a relationship. If you care for your ex, you should smile if she is happy. Let things go, if the future brings you two together again, so be it. For right now, it is not going to happen, and if you try and force it.... it won't be pretty.
    Last edited by aenima326; 02-05-11 at 09:44 AM.

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