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Thread: Something's wrong, but what?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Something's wrong, but what?

    Hello fellow forumpeople...
    I'm a 20 year old girl from the Netherlands.
    I joined this forum particularly to get advice on something...
    3 months ago, I started working at a company where i found myself to be kind of into one of my male co-workers.
    It started as flirting, texting, meeting and then led to something more within 6 weeks... I really like him, but my mother dislikes him. She says he is a 'different kind of person', because his parents are uneducated, and because he never finished his college education but started working instead... i'm gonna start college in the fall and she says she's scared that i won't finish my education. She says really awful things about me going to be unhappy with him, and how everyone can see that i deserve much better. I really really like him, and I know I shouldn't care about it, but the things she says start eating me, from the inside out.
    I don't know what to do, because I wished they'd get along, and that she would just let me be. She even said that because I'm 20, I can't just you know, have a fling for the fun, because normal guys wouldn't want me anymore. When I write this all down, she seems ****ing insane, but I still love her. I can't talk to my dad about it, because he died 5 years ago. I needed to get this off my chest, so thank you for the internet-space I have been given here.
    Love, A

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    I'd suggest getting to know him a little bit more/ give it some time. Evidently, the relationship is still relatively new and from the duration and your age, well let's just say you may not even know what you want yet at this stage (no offense). I guess your mom means well and bottom line is that she's saying this:

    1. She wants you to pick/be available to a decent guy that you're SURE you'll be with and can take care of you for the rest of your life
    2. Education is important for career/future. No doubt about it. This criterion is also for your future happiness with your spouse

    Ultimately, it boils down to what you can deal with and what you can deal without eg. a relationship with this guy VS your mom's approval

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Long Beach, CA
    It’s a good time to start working the “muscle” of listening to your gut and creating your own life. You are 20 years old, hopefully you will have lots of relationships so you can figure out what matters to you and how you want to be in a relationship. Parents often have trouble letting their children grow up and allowing them to start thinking and making decisions for themselves.

    The best advice I can give you is start being true to yourself. You have every right to choose the people that you enjoy spending time with. You soul did not come here to please your mother. Your soul came here to grow, expand and to experience Life!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Also as far as education goes, it all depends on the person. Some of the dumbest people Ive ever met were in College and some of the smartest never attended.

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