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Thread: :'(

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011


    It was just an online relationship..we knew it could never be real.. but it got so deep.. and we loved each other so much.. helped each other with everything.. spent endless hours together... when his schedule got too busy, I didnt mind.. I knew how much he loved me and nothing would change it.. till a couple days ago when he told me that lately he has only been coming to make me happy.. I am totally devastated.. cant figure out how to get thru this.. cant even tell many people because it was 'just an online relationship'..no one can understand my pain..

  2. #2
    Mathias's Avatar
    Mathias is offline Love Gurus
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    So what exactly is your question?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
    There is nothing such as ''just'' an online relationship. A relationship is a relationship, no matter the distance. You still emotionally invested yourself into it and you should see it as such.I understand what you are going through as my situation is a bit like yours. I can't post links yet but if you want to read my story, it is entitled Betrayed.

    Near the end, she was only coming down to see me because she thought she had to/wanted to make me ''happy''. When a relationship get to that point, there are only 2 things left to do: Try to work it out or move on. I know it's harsh, I'm not even through it myself, but that is how it is.

    It's hard to know where exactly you guys stand as of right now by reading your post. If he is sure that he does not love you anymore and that any attempt trying to fix it will simply delay the unavoidable, it's better to get your mind set right now: He's gone. The longest you keep false hopes up, the worst it'll be on you. I got dumped and replaced within a week, after 2+ years being with her. I know how much it hurts, trust me. In the end, you need to focus on yourself and time will take care of the rest.

    If, on the other hand, you think there is the slightest chance you guys can get through this somehow, go for it. Some people didn't agree when I said I wouldn't give up on her, no matter what she did. It made everything 10 times harder than they would have been if I just decided to let go, but I simply couldn't stand there watching her slip through my fingers untill I know for sure it would never work. I did just that and in the end I don't have any regrets.

    Sites like this one are here for you when you don't know who to talk to. It helped me a lot and I strongly encourage you to do the same. You might not know anyone here but we are all here for a reason and support eachother to get through our own issues.

    Live your pain, you will gain a lot more out of it than you may think.

    If you need someone to talk to, I'm here.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    thank you so much.. I will go read yours..I have been hanging on for three months, knowing that he was just keeping his feelings buried for other reasons..I didnt know I was making a fool out of myself I guess..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011
    and I think that your answer st least helps me feel validated for what I am going thru!!

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