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Thread: Thank god for that

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Thank god for that

    She dented my ego, she broke my heart, she took away my trust but thank god I ended it with my self respect and self esteem intact.

    Finally feel like I've turned a corner and can now see what we had in the rear view mirror.

    I respect myself which is why I will never go back. I'm not going to ask, hint or even imply we should get back together because I'm worth more than that.

    I don't need to be with her, want to be with her, feel lonely without her, need to be with somone, anyone just to feel happy because I know I treated her well and I know I was a good partner. My self esteem is not that damaged where I would go back because I'd be lonely or that I felt I'd could never fall in love again because I will.

    The pain I feel is for the loss of what could have been, the wasted 18 Months, the deception and the betrayal. That is normal and I will recover from it.

    I'm happy with who I am, the way I committed to the relationship and gave it 100% and I take comfort in that. I always treated her with respect, was always a gentleman and in her words always the most loving and kind boyfriend. I didn't ask for this to happen but I was not prepared to let it continue. She was treating me the way she was because I let her.

    So I will use the pain to learn, I will take the good from what we had and look to better that with someone else. I will take the bad and use it to remind me of what I do not want in a realtionship.

    Through the pain she has caused I will grow and become stronger and when I am ready I will give the good to someone else who deserves it, who will appreciated it and will embrace it.

    In January when this all started and a couple of weeks back when I ended it I felt a massive void. I've replaced that void not with anger and regret but with hope. Hope for a better future and the hope of finding true love again.

    I'm sad it's over, glad it's over but I'm so glad I have kept my self respect and my self esteem. I owed myself that much.

    I hope this post will help others

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Great bit of enlightenment! I've found through experience you learn a lot from failed relationships and you should always take positives from it, no matter how bad it was. It enables you to approach your next one with a wiser eye, you know danger signs and behaviours that you know will lead to nothing but grief. It also lets you know when you've really found someone special when they have none of those issues.
    Don't let it make you too cynical! Am glad you're doing well, you'll become a better person for it all.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    I found out that my ex has another gf today, he posted the picture on facebook, I guess he's very happy now. Time for me To be stronger and accept the fact that it's done.

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