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Thread: Girls, have u ever had an abortion?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Girls, have u ever had an abortion?

    my period is late..im freaking out...everytime we do it with a condom but as u know it is not 100% effective...i cant believe this is happening to me...i wake up in the middle of the night thinking what if Im really P......i cant even say the word..i started thinking abpout clinics where i can go and what i should say to my bf...i cant be happening to me ..im too young only 20 yo ..i have many plans for my future!!! i know my period doesnt always come on the same date ..but i feel my stomach bigger...maybe im fatter?or eaten too much? im scared !ive been reading on the net about the procedure...they basically with something like a vacuum cleaner takes out the cells out of your body...
    Have u ever had an abortion?What did it feel like?What is the procedure?

  2. #2
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    Try to calm down, hon. Stress can actually delay your period even more, so don't freak out just yet. Take a home pregnancy test first. Even if you were pregnant, there's no way your stomach would have gotten bigger already, so you're either imagining it or you ate more than usual yesterday. Sometimes periods arrive late for no reason at all. There have been times when my period was two weeks late, it happens. Just take a pregnancy test, then go from there.

  3. #3
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    I agree with Shelley. If you are prone to bloating on your period, the stomach enlargement is probably just that. Or a food baby. :p When I have a pregnancy scare I will usually get my period the day after I do a pregnancy test. So try to relax.

    To answer your question, yes I have had a termination (I hate the word abortion, not that termination is much better). I was 19 and in a messed up relationship. My ex was with me when we found out I was pregnant, so I didn't have to worry about telling him. (I had been vomitting for a week and we went to the Dr). I booked my appointment almost immediately.

    The first thing they did was a mental health assessment, just to make sure I was emotionally stable enough for an abortion, and to make sure I was doing it for the 'right' reasons. Then they examined me and described the procedure. And yes you are right, it is like a vaccuum cleaner. They described the risks (which mostly had to with the anaesthesia) and booked an appointment for the procedure. I went back 2 weeks later, was knocked out and woke up. There may have been discomfort, I don't recall.

    What I was not prepared for were the emotional repercussions. I did not realise I would feel so terrible. It wasn't until I read Still Life with Woodpecker by Tom Robbins that I realised why felt so bad. I had taken a part of my body that was dedicated to life and allowed death to throw a party in there (paraphrasing Mr Robbins). When I feel pregnant with my son and my fiance suggested a termination, I just burst into tears.

    So please, if you are pregnant, think about it carefully before you terminate. Adoption is always an option (for me it wasn't but there are reasons behind that). There are so many families out there desperate for a baby that can't have their own.

  4. #4
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    Im a guy first of all and I can just tell you from experienced that the termination me and my girlfriend had 9 years ago was THE WORST AND REGRETTABLE decision I ever made. Sounded good at the time but as you grow older YOU WILL regret it all. Just something to think about.

    I hope all works out but Please DO NOT GET AN ABORTION! Do you know how many people would give ANYTHING to love your baby??!! Watch Juno

    I was adopted and recently found my birth mother. She says she considered an abortion but just couldnt do it to me.. Those were her words : " to me" Get it!!!??? Good Luck!!
    Last edited by surfhb; 23-05-11 at 10:37 AM.

  5. #5
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    There is also another kind of abortion procedure, called a "medication abortion." It's an abortion pill. You have to be very early in the pregnancy to do it, less than 9 weeks pregnant, I think. There's no surgery involved. You can Google "abortion pill" to learn about it.

    But first find out if you're pregnant! You may not have to worry about any of this.

  6. #6
    qwertz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by surfhb View Post
    Im a guy first of all and I can just tell you from experienced that the termination me and my girlfriend had 9 years ago was THE WORST AND REGRETTABLE decision I ever made. Sounded good at the time but as you grow older YOU WILL regret it all. Just something to think about.

    I hope all works out but Please DO NOT GET AN ABORTION! Do you know how many people would give ANYTHING to love your baby??!! Watch Juno

    I was adopted and recently found my birth mother. She says she considered an abortion but just couldnt do it to me.. Those were her words : " to me" Get it!!!??? Good Luck!!
    WTF? Who are you to tell her not to get an abortion? It is HER choice and has absolutely nothing to do with you. She didnt ask whether she should get one, she asked what it is like.
    Anyway, op if you have used condoms its likely you are not pregnant, take a home test.
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

  7. #7
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    WTF? Who are you to tell her not to get an abortion? It is HER choice and has absolutely nothing to do with you. She didnt ask whether she should get one, she asked what it is like.
    Anyway, op if you have used condoms its likely you are not pregnant, take a home test.
    Of course its her choice and there no more of a Pro Choice person on the planet then me but I just saying she will regret it later. Plan and simple, I support the right of a women to make a choice but it doesnt take away from the fact abortion is a disgusting practice and should be avoided.

    Do you regret getting Yours?

  8. #8
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    I find bringing a child into the world without the means to support, care and provide for it more disgusting than abortion. You may have regrets but it doesnt mean that everyone else will.
    OP is young and has plenty of time to have kids in the future (though like i said earlier, i doubt she is actually pregnant).
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

  9. #9
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    Not everyone regrets an abortion. Many women do, but not all. Everyone reacts differently. Some women just feel relief after an abortion. There's a website called "I'm Not Sorry" (or something like that, I may have the name wrong) that has a compiled list of stories from various women.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by surfhb View Post
    Of course its her choice and there no more of a Pro Choice person on the planet then me but I just saying she will regret it later. Plan and simple, I support the right of a women to make a choice but it doesnt take away from the fact abortion is a disgusting practice and should be avoided.

    Do you regret getting Yours?
    You contradicted yourself several times in the above statement (and that little jab at the end was distasteful and unnecessary.) You're not pro-choice if you try to shame or guilt people into not having the procedure done. You're not supporting the right of a woman to make a choice when you say things like "DO NOT GET AN ABORTION!"

    OP, there's no need to even worry about this until you know for sure that you're pregnant.

  11. #11
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    Did she take a home test yet? And she should be comfortable enough with her BF to tell him anything when it comes to sex, it takes two, and contraception is both partners responsibility, it's not like you can blame anyone.

    Quote Originally Posted by surfhb View Post
    ...I just saying she will regret it later....
    How do you know. Just because you did doesn't mean everyone will.

  12. #12
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    Relax... I was trying to point out that unless you had an abortion , you probably don't have enough info to say wheather or not someone will regret getting one. But yeah, it was in bad tast and I apologize. With that, I'll take back what said. Not everyone regrets that decision. Ive just never met one.

    Just my opinion based on experience....that's all. It was a sad decision I made and will never forgive myself. I hope others who make the same decision can deal with it better than I have.
    Last edited by surfhb; 25-05-11 at 09:11 AM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by surfhb View Post
    Relax... I was trying to point out that unless you had an abortion , you probably don't have enough info to say wheather or not someone will regret getting one. But yeah, it was in bad tast and I apologize. With that, I'll take back what said. Not everyone regrets that decision. Ive just never met one.

    Just my opinion based on experience....that's all. It was a sad decision I made and will never forgive myself. I hope others who make the same decision can deal with it better than I have.
    Why? It's just a fetus. No more a piece of life than the skin cells you rip open with a paper cut.

  14. #14
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    Good point. But it's just the way feel. Maybe being adopted as something to do with it?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by surfhb View Post
    Good point. But it's just the way feel. Maybe being adopted as something to do with it?
    Most people aren't adopted, so it has nothing to do with it.

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