MY RESPONSE:'ve been talking to my crush for a while now. A couple weeks back he asked me was I single I replied " I was at the moment"he said its good I'm single then he went into A LOT of detail of why he was also single then saying at the end "When his one come by which will be soon or later he was gonna show'er his love and appreciation and she would be displayed as his 8th wonder on the world then he said that I (Me) already know. Yesterday we were having a convo and I said I'm a free spirit but I'll never go against my morals then i said I caught 2 of my roomies in the act. He replied back IN EXACT WORDS by saying" I know college is fun and wild but don't forget why ur there in the first place, You have the right ideal, don't compromise your morals, but have fun also. Don't go having **** with a lot of dudes SMH. But find one you like, make em strap up and go in (we don't want nothing now). You gotta try everything at least once...Have you?"......I'm a little confuse by him and why he would say that to me, pLus I like him and I think he likes me "i responded by saying I wasnt experience(Im still a virgin) but in order for me to lose my virginity I needed 2 way love, mental stimulation and emotional attachment, I said I rather wait for the one...Perhaps I scared him off?

HIS RESPONSE: my crush responded via letter(Im far away at college)...he wrote me back 2 weeks later he usually only takes a week if that stating this:
he stated " I take major breaks in between though, Sometimes, being I haven't been around for so long, some people I feel too disengaged; I barely have anything to say, Its sad sometimes". We must have an mutual agreement and understanding to call each other on our mistakes and faults and errors!! It is our duty as friends to correct each other and ourselves, with humility, when we are wrong!! To hold ourselves to less would be diminishing!! We would only be betraying ourselves, for we must behave in accordance with who we want to be!! In the words of Niall Ferguson,"Its NOT the fault of the mirror if it reflects our blemishes as clearly as our beauty"....WHAT IS HE SAYING?? DO YOU THINK HE WANTS TO BE JUST FRIENDS?
Also he said:I find your vibes to be intelligible and lucid, and I always re-evaluate my assessment of your mind.because it is not often that i encounter young women who are capable of their own thoughts.