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Thread: Im ready to talk to her again. Opinions Please, Thanks

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Im ready to talk to her again. Opinions Please, Thanks

    I have know this girl for a few years and developed strong feelings for her even though she has a boyfriend. I thought i was in control of my feelings but for some reason they spiralled out of control, to the point where it became un bearable to speak to her or be around her.
    A couple of months ago it got to the point where i had to tell her that i couldnt speak to her for a while because of how i felt for her. She respected my decision. Now i feel like i have managed to tame the more extreme feelings i had for her, and feel like i can talk to her again. I still like her but i feel like i used to before my feelings spiralled out of control. I have talked to her on FB and text her but she just gives me short answers and doesn't seem to want to participate in conversation.
    Recently she was invited out by some friends that we share, she was really up for going out but when she found out i was going out aswell she said she couldnt come anymore. I was told it was because of me. She told a friend that she didnt want things to get f###ed up with her and her boyfriend. This sounds like she has told her boyfriend about me.

    Should i tell her that i feel like i can talk again, and that my feelings have calmed down?, or should i let things simmer down for a while???

    Your opinions and advice would be much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    If it was me I would stay away out of respect for her relationship with her boyfriend. She has sent some pretty clear signals she isn't interested in a friendship with you knowing you have feelings for her and it would be disrespectful to ignore her wishes. You need to allow her to just be.
    Some people are drains and some are radiators... Keep clear of the drains and hug the radiators!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    What ^he said.

    you are ready to talk to her, but then on the other side she might not be ready for you.
    well I guess you could text her (after a week of no contact) that you'll be there along the road for her if she needs anyone. or something like that, and just let time do it's work, because there's not much you could do about it I think.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Stay out, she is involved, find someone who can commit to you. Your creating a love triangle. Not good.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Do not get caught up in other couples relationship. If you think she doesnt care about you, then leave. You do not have to suffer for something stupid

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