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Thread: Guys and numbers

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Guys and numbers

    Lately I've been hearing about guys giving women their number instead of asking the woman for hers.

    Does this mean something (i.e. the guy isn't real interested...?)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    erm this happends everywhere, i didnt realise there was a way to do it.LOL. in the UK at least we just wit till one of them asks.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    I have noticed that happening alot lately too!!! Actually it happened to me not like 2 weeks ago. I read that book "he's just not that into you" recently and the guy in that book said it's just a cop out. he said guys do that to create the illusion of leaving it up to the girl and putting no pressure on her, but he goes on to say if a guy really wants to take a girl out he will get her number. so that way he is in control. as a guy he said you can give the girl your number also, just for insurance, but for a rule of thumb the book says never to date a guy who doesn't atleast make the effort to get yours. I don't know how true that is...... but i find it very interesting!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    London, England
    Quote Originally Posted by abercromqt20
    I have noticed that happening alot lately too!!! Actually it happened to me not like 2 weeks ago. I read that book "he's just not that into you" recently and the guy in that book said it's just a cop out. he said guys do that to create the illusion of leaving it up to the girl and putting no pressure on her, but he goes on to say if a guy really wants to take a girl out he will get her number. so that way he is in control. as a guy he said you can give the girl your number also, just for insurance, but for a rule of thumb the book says never to date a guy who doesn't atleast make the effort to get yours. I don't know how true that is...... but i find it very interesting!
    Not too sure about that! I was at work last night (work part time in a bar) and a guy wrote his number on a five pound note (he gave me as a tip) - he'd been buying me drinks all night (which I am allowed to keep money for as tips) so I felt guilty by not texting him - he seems very keen - but obviously I have no intention of seeing him - he know's I have a boyfriend - I realise I shouldn't have crossed the line but he comes to the club all the time and well I would have felt guilty. I've told my boyfriend too and he laughed! Actually thinks it's sweet - he'd kill me if he knew I text him though!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico
    I think this is just a cool loop-hole some shy guys have found. I don't think it automatically means he's not interested...I think it's more of a tell-tale sign that the dude is shy, or lacks experience with talking to girls. I know it would work out great for me if a girl took the iniciative because I don't really have too much practical experience in taking the lead in talking with a girl (actually, I just have not too much practical experience in general) so I'd be more comfortable in a situation where you're not expected to be the absolute leader and responsible for the way dates go. With less pressure most people perform better.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Not at all. Stop using that trick!!! It's MINE!!!! j/k

    I never ask for a girls number, I always give her mine because I'm sick of getting sent to the voice mail.

    I subscribe to the 20/80 rule. 20% of the guys do 80% of the dating. That means he's busy with woman and if you want in you best be working at it. Times a changing ladies, ya'll want careers and independance but you still want the door opened for you and the ticket paid.

    Ladies, don't front, you want a challenge. You love the challenge, you live for it. Don't deny it. Come to papa.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    >>>>>Ya'll want careers and independance but you still want the door opened for you and the ticket paid

    Actually, I don't expect ever to have a door held for me and many times I've held them for me (and I'm a tiny lady)... and I have ALWAYS paid my 1/2 in a relationship... so CHECK YASELF PAPA!!!!!!!!!!! The times are a-changin' and it is a different world now... one that allows PEOPLE (both sexes) to determine what works for them.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    LOL! Love the attitude.

    And a tiny lady you say? You can call me Matt, or you can just call me...the # is 911.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by uptownboy
    LOL! Love the attitude.

    And a tiny lady you say? You can call me Matt, or you can just call me...the # is 911.

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