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Thread: U make it look easy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    U make it look easy

    I've noticed ya'll sayin go for it whenever someone aren't sure of themself. Ya'll obviously have not approached a person u haven't had feelings for_ Like me I have been dreamin about this girl I really have feelings but never approached What do ya'll think is wrong w/ me_____>>>>
    Oh right

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    you're a big wimp.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    It depends on what chance you think you have, what you think you're risking, and how strong your feelings are.

    Heh, it's almost like maths. Weighing Potential Loss, Potential Gain and Chance.
    Just a shame you can't put a value to Loss & Gain, and you don't know what your chances are.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    p(you will ask her out and she will say no)=.4
    p(you will ask her out and she will say yes)=.4
    p(you will not ask her out)=.2

    p(you will ask her out and she will say yes) knowing p(you will not ask her out)=


    so if you don't ask her out you only have a 30% chance of her going out with you. but you have a 40% chance of her saying yes.

    but if she is flirting with you then...

    p(you will ask her out and she will say no)=.2
    p(you will ask her out and she will say yes)=.6
    p(you will not ask her out)=.2


    p(you ask her out and she will say yes)+p(you will not ask her out)/p(you will not as her out)=.6+.2/.2=.4

    so then you lower your chances by half.

    come on it's simple common sense. guys are too damn shy nowadays i don't understand.
    Last edited by misombra; 09-01-05 at 06:53 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I love it when people make complex things so simple.
    Well... if you call all that stuff 'simple' :p

    As for people being too shy; well here's some advice I gave to a friend recently (Ok, so she's a girl not a guy, but just go with it). Kinda taken alot of context out of it and it's not directed at anyone, so this was just the bare message.

    Most shy people are actualy more confident than they realise. Confidence is one of the few things you can truely surprise youself with. When you have a chance to do something you think you're to shy to do, draw up all your willpower and just do it! You might surprise yourself at how easy it was, and how confident you where. Once you believe you are that confident, it will show. This starts an upwards spiral of confidence, as you are willing to take bigger risks.

    You you've plucked up the courage and asked her out.
    She said yes? Fantastic!
    She said no? Not what you where expecting, but at least you know you can do it, so you will be more confident next time. And not only will the confidence make it easier next time, it will raise your chanses too.
    So take a leap of faith! You are young, take risks, make mistakes, learn from them, and become a stronger person.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Toronto, ON


    Death is like sex in highschool, because if you knew how many times you missed it, you'd be paralyzed.

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