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Thread: I love him....but what to do?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    I love him....but what to do?

    We met through an online dating site a little over 3 months ago (we were emailing for a month previous to meeting) - we've both been married and are in the process of divorce. He has 2 kids, I have 1 - and we all adore each other. Things have been great, we get on well, we have many similarities, but enough differences to keep everything exciting. We spend most weekends together, every second weekend with our kids.

    What I'm after advice for is, I'm unsure whether to tell him that I love him. I'm not looking to hear it back, although that would be great. I'm just not sure he's ready to hear it - he came out of a marriage where he married within 6 months of knowing his ex, and 13 years later there is some question as to whether she cheated on him at the end of their marriage (I came from the exact situation with regards to how the marriage ended) - so because he comitted early in his marriage, I think he wants to move things a bit slower this time round. Because we've only known each other for 3 months, I'm concerned he may feel its too early. I do get a vibe he feels something for me - he's always telling me how awesome I am, how much he likes me and enjoys my company...he looks at me with tenderness and is always considerate of my feelings. He buys me flowers and takes me out for nice meals...but at the same time, we just love watching a movie at his or my place together, and we enjoy those quiet times. He nursed me through a surgery, bought me dvd's as I couldn't walk, cooks for me, always asks how my day was, how I slept etc. We don't talk every day, but we do text or email. We went for a long weekend away this week just gone, and he spoilt me rotten, going out insisting we do what I wanted to do. He just wants me to be happy, and he says this often. In turn, I do what I can to show him how much I do care - I love cooking for him and his family, plan little surprises, send him letters or leave little post it notes in his book - or just give him a hug after a long day at work, which he loves...I just want him to be happy too.

    He has met my mum, and I've met his parents...I get along with his parents, he gets along with my family, which is important to us both.

    I want to tell him I love him, but I don't want him to feel uncomfortable about it. I don't want to stuff it up - he is one of the most genuine men I've ever met, and he makes me happy. I feel I'll have to say it soon, otherwise i'm not being true to myself. If I do tell him...what ways were you told that were memorable in a good way?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    From what you've said it's clear to me that he loves you. Guys don't do all the things he's done if he didn't really care. Tell him you love him.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Are you OK if he doesn't say I love you back to you?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I wouldn't be upset if he didn't say it back. I'd love to hear it back, but there's no expectation. I'm more concerned that he will think I'm pushing him, or that he won't be ready to hear it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Just go for it. I think it is really possible that he feels the same way about u too.
    Good luck :d

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    After today, I think so too...was having a pretty bad one. Headaches bordering on migraine, bad news about my ankle (I snapped both bones 6 months ago, required 2 surgeries to fix and still another to go)...and work was a shocker. I finish at 4 - at 3.55pm he sent me a text, asking if I'd like to have coffee. I replied asking "what? Now?" and he replied "yes" and walked through the door to my work about 10 secs later...he took me out for afternoon tea....he's sweet

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