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Thread: Possibly Playing games?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Possibly Playing games?

    Ok so this was my first year at this new school i go to and i was going to the library and saw this girl that i thought was gorgeus. I had her friend introduce me and then we became friends. We talked on facebook a lot and one day i finally got the nerve to ask for her number. She said she broke her phone yet when I first saw her she had one. The following week i went up to her and i saw her with the phone i saw her with when i first saw her. I didn't bring up the fact that she had one on her. Her friend said that it was probably her brothers because he allows her to use it at times... One day she asked what i was doing for lunch and i said nothing so i then asked if she wanted to get lunch. She said she would meet me at the lunch room and so i went there bought my lunch and waited for her to come so i could get her lunch. She never came. I went into the hallway and saw her walk in from the parking lot. She said she forgot about lunch and she kept putting me off... I stopped talking to her for a while and then she messaged me one day on facebook asking where i had been. I said i been at school but i was surprised she even wanted to talk to me. When it came time for her to graduate i got her a card and she hugged me and thanked me for it. she said she was so happy and that it mean't a lot to her. I went to her graduation ceremony and saw they had flowers so i bought some for her and gave then to her... She said that she liked me more than as a friend so i asked her out and she said maybe someday. I was crushed by that because i really liked her and had feelings for her. I asked if it was because i was going to be a junior and she said no its because shes always busy with church. Anyway a few weeks later I asked her out again and said id do anything to make a relationship work and she said yes. I asked for a number to call her at and she asked for my number and said she would call me. I never got that call. i asked why and she said she forgot and got busy. She wanted me to give it to her again yesterday and i did and never got the call even though i know its her birthday today and the 4th of July. I talked to her best friend and she said that she talks about me a lot and she said she knows that she cares a lot about me. I really am getting confused and very depressed about this.... Please give me suggestions :/...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    US, California
    I think you may need to work on your rap, with some other girls in the mean time. Give her time to connect with you when she wants instead of "pressuring" her into something she may not be ready for.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by ctr916 View Post
    I think you may need to work on your rap, with some other girls in the mean time. Give her time to connect with you when she wants instead of "pressuring" her into something she may not be ready for.
    I haven't pressured her into anything lol

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    New Delhi, India
    Well, really it's a hard situation for you. I appreciate your patience. You are the boy any girl would want. For this particular situation you must have a keen look at her personal life. May be she likes you but have some so personal problems that she can't share you but still that problem is working like an obstacle in love relation. Get to her,,, ask her in friendly manner,,, show she worth a lot for you,,, and finally ask her if there is any problem. Also you can contact her siblings or close friends to know more about her. I wish you both would have a very nice and [URL="http://www.myboyisanidiot.com"]pretty love relation[/URL]. Thanks

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