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Thread: Girl kicks butt

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Girl kicks butt


    a girl and I know each other for about 2 weeks. We met thru mutual friends. Today I’m 19 and she’s 17 by the way. She is kickboing 3 times a week since she was 10.

    For awhile now our competitive side came out in our “boardgame nights.” This consisted of her mentally kicking my butt in simpsons trivia, scrabble, boggle, scattergories, checkers, and many others. I don’t know if I’m just that bad or she’s just that good, but as time has gone by her boardgame domination has gotten more lopsided. Posted Image

    After a recent boardgame whuppping, she brought up that I might have to conceed her mental superiority. I told her I might be willing to conceed that if she admits that being a guy makes me the physical boss of the relationship. She paused for a moment and then joked that since shes been taking kickboxing she might surprise me! I laughed out loud at the thought of her being too physical because (although im not an athlete or kickboxer) I’m 5’10 and 193 lb while she’s a total “girlie girl” and 5’5 and 127 lb!

    Neither of us would budge and we finally agreed to a “friendly match” to find out. Well our match was yesterday.

    Slowly we started to box and I found myself getting bopped left and right. None of her blows seemed to really hurt but they add up. I began back peddling for defense and found myself tripping over the garden hose and down I went. She just had this smirk on her face as she asked me if I was ok and if we should stop. i just had to admit I lost to her. Of course stubbornness wouldn’t allow me to give up. She told me if I dont give up shes gonna show me what she really can do. So we squared off again and a couple minutes later she began to get better of it again. She kicked and punched me so I finally just could ask her to stop. She started as stupid dance and I had about a thousend time to admit she defeded me. And she’s had a permanent giggle!

    But I find myself thinking… Am I just a wimp?? She is just a girl!!!! Does training really make that much of a difference? Or has someone heard of an equally embarrasing moment which could make me feel better about all this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Texarkana, AR
    My ex and I used to study Kung Fu together... she was better than I was (been at it longer) but I had a reach, speed and strength advantage, so when we sparred I usually had the upper hand.

    The short answer is no. She's trained and you're not. It makes a huge difference. If it bugs you, get some training.

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