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Thread: female opinions on this email

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    Jun 2010

    female opinions on this email

    I get quite some emails from dating sites.
    This one is from Dean Cortez. A part of it is commercial and a part of it is truth.
    I'd like to know what females think of what is stated in bald letters

    Note that I am against PUA and stuff like that, but it's an interesting read

    Why do women get mixed up with guys who treat them like crap, when they could be with a nice guy instead?

    Would YOU say you are a "nice guy" to women? I sure was. Actually, I'm STILL a nice guy...

    Then I got together with some of the world's top pickup artists and picked their brains...

    To find out WHY women go for these 'Bad Boys'...And to figure out how ANY GUY can apply these same *tactics* to their own game and get HUGE results!

    Now, when I'm out meeting women, I've added a "bad boy edge" to my personality that makes a MASSIVE difference.

    I'm still the same guy I always was, but I know how to HANDLE beautiful women and put them in check.

    I'm no longer operating from a position of FEAR. ("I wonder if she's attracted to me?" "Am I saying the right things?" "What if I'm not her type?" etc.)

    I'm operating from a position of POWER... and bulletproof CONFIDENCE.

    When you start rocking this cocky "Alpha Male" attitude, women are going to feel a much more POWERFUL attraction towards you...and STAY attracted to you, instead of getting bored, and taking you for granted.

    Check out this letter...

    * * * * *

    Dear Dean,

    I am SO pissed off and confused right now! There is this very cute girl, Amanda, who I have been trying to hook up with for the past six months.

    We go out and do stuff together, we spend hours talking on the phone, and we've built a really cool friendship.
    The problem is, she refuses to break things off with her jerk ex-boyfriend (I'll call him "meathead").

    He cheats on her, treats her like crap, but she keeps breaking up with him and then getting back with him.
    A few days ago they got in a huge fight and she came over to my house. I spent all night talking to her. She promised me that she was breaking up with him for good.

    (I was psyched, because I figured I would finally get my chance with her.)
    But today, I called her cell phone, and meathead answered it. He basically told me if I ever tried to contact her again he was going to rip my head off.

    So I tried emailing her, and in my message I told her how I felt: she ought to dump "meathead" for good and be with me, because I would treat her the way she deserves to be treated. She emailed me back, and told me she was sorry, but she was going to give him another chance and they were moving out of town to get a fresh start. She said that I've been "a great friend" but her boyfriend was making her change her phone number, and so she couldn't contact me anymore.

    WTF?? I was ALWAYS there for her, and now she kicks me to the curb for this dickhead? What's the deal?



    It doesn't matter if you're not the type of guy she NORMALLY dates.

    EVERY women subconsciously CRAVES a "Bad Boy" who knows how to push her "attraction switches":

    The Bad Boy doesn't need to rely on his looks, or a flashy car, or deception in order to make an impression on women.
    He understands the attraction triggers that are inside of every woman, and how projecting Alpha qualities is the ONLY way to engage women on a real, lasting level.
    Anyway, one of the biggest myths, or clichés, about dating is that women are attracted to jerks, and that "nice guys" finish last.
    I want to drill one thing into your head right now:

    It's not about "jerk" versus "nice guy." It's about STRENGTH versus WEAKNESS.
    You can be a nice guy. You SHOULD be a nice guy. But you MUST be able to project a sense of strength - you've got to make her feel that you are emotionally in charge.
    If you go to the gym and you're physically strong, that's great...but either way, remember that providing EMOTIONAL SECURITY to a woman is even more important.

    I've got a friend named Michael who used to be the KING of the "nice guys" (who got NO action from chicks).
    He was a super nice, friendly guy... but he was constantly being mistreated by women.
    For two years, he was strung along by a girl named Monica. She had some loser ex-boyfriend who she kept going back to.
    The loser guy was struggling to make it as a rock musician and was always borrowing money from her. AND she knew he was screwing around with other girls.

    And yet, Monica kept running back to him. She wound up breaking it off with Michael to be with him.
    So now, Michael was single again and dating. He would take girls out to nice restaurants, but after one or two dates they would stop returning his phone calls.
    He heard the line, "You're a great guy, but I think it's better if we're just friends."

    Finally one day he had enough. "I just don't get it," he told me. "Women always SAY they want a nice guy, a gentleman. But they turn around and date these guys who treat themcrap."
    (This is particularly true with the species of woman known as the "M.A.W.": Model, Actress, Whatever. Y'know, the hotties
    with the fake boobs and fake tans, prancing around in the nightclubs and bars like they're waiting for Hugh Hefner to discover them.)

    These girls LOOK good enough to have their pick of men.
    They have the option to date millionaires who would give them anything they wanted. And yet, even these girls have a tendency to date "bad boys"... guys who are unpredictable and unfaithful.
    And the more these guys mistreat them, the harder these women cling to them!

    So , is it your destiny in life to be a "nice guy,"while the bad boys get the hot chicks?
    This is NOT your destiny.

    So what is it about "bad boys" that women find so damn attractive? And why do "nice guys" get the shaft?

    Here's what you need to understand, and it's an essential step towards becoming a Mack:
    It's not about whether you're "nice" or a "jerk." It's a question of whether you project WEAKNESS or STRENGTH.

    Which vibe are you sending out when you interact with women?
    Are you demonstrating that you're a confident guy who knows what he wants out of life?

    Do you march to your own drummer, or do you go along with what other people think are "cool?"
    There is NOTHING wrong with being a nice person. You should strive to be a caring, generous, sincere human being.

    But to GET WOMEN, you also must have a bad boy EDGE to your personality. This is the "X Factor" that women can't resist.

    Here are some of the core qualities that bad boys, and Macks, share:

    * Bad Boys are independent. They lead their own lives and fit women into their schedule, not the other way around. Women want what they can't have, and bad boys present a challenge and sense of mystery.

    * Bad Boys are decisive. They're never wishy-washy. Women respond to men who LEAD. A leader who confronts situations
    is a man who is capable of fulfilling the most core female need: to feel protected.

    You'll NEVER hear a Mack say, "So do you want to hang out sometime?" Or, "what do you feel like doing tonight?"

    Be a man on the move. Always have plans in motion. Make women want to go along for the ride.

    * Bad boys don't wear their emotions on their sleeve. Pouring out your feelings to a girl might seem like a sweet romantic
    gesture, but in reality it usually blows you out of the water. (This approach only works in Hollywood romantic movies.)

    When a girl hasn't made up her mind about you, but you make it clear that you're into her, you're no longer a
    challenge and she loses interest.

    Bad boys, on the other hand, keep women guessing: is he really into me, or is he playing games? How many other girls does
    he have in his life right now? This triggers the female competitive instinct.

    The next characteristic that women dig ...

    * Bad Boys are unpredictable. They don't follow a set routine every day, and when they're interested in a woman, they don't
    follow the predictable "script" with her.

    (Y'know, ask her to dinner for date #1, take her to a movie on date #2...hope and pray for some action on date #3, etc...)

    You want to make every outing with a woman seem like an adventure. Create the sense that anything can happen tonight. When a girl is around a bad boy, she's never sure where the evening is going to lead. (But she's secretly hoping it leads back his place!!)

    The M.A.C.K. Tactics system is going to explain to you, step-by-step, how to reframe your belief systems and become a man that women are irresistibly drawn to.

    We're going to show you how to retain yourintegrity and character while exuding a high level of CONFIDENCE and POWER.

    You're also going to learn a big fat secret: what women SAY they want (a nice guy, a guy with money, a guy who's tall and
    handsome, etc) is totally different from what they ACTUALLY want.

    If you've ever felt that your "nice guy" personality has been a drawback with women (and nearly ALL of us have felt
    this way before), get ready to shed this baggage and take your lifestyle to the NEXT LEVEL and be the "Bad Boy" that chicks
    cannot resist...
    Last edited by MynameisJesus; 13-07-11 at 11:11 PM.

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