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Thread: Should i contact her?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Should i contact her?

    Hello, I have a dillemma on the following situation:

    I met this girl on school almost a year back (at the beginning of the school year(new school for evreybody), its vacation now). I thought she was a arrogant girl, and i didn't like her, she and her friend (who know eachother a long time(its a guy)) acted as if they were the only smart people in the class, this got me irritated and I proved them wrong. So I began to make arrogant comments when she was around, and I loved the way she couldn't stand it. Anyways as the time flows (about half of the school year) she and I HAD to work together on projects, so we couldn't really ignore eachother. In that time I felt like she was observing me, I can be very social, and there are always a bunch of girls around me (as friends, nothing more), i can make girls laugh, and I can be myself around evreybody.
    Some times when we had to talk in groups she said some intresting things about me that suprised me, this I thought she did not know because I never told anything about it on this school. So in the beginning of januari )the 2nd half of the school year) We got in the same class again, she and her friend were seperated, but she had two choices to follow her own school schedule, or just follow her friends schoolschedule.
    I thought she would choose her friends schedule(lets just say not evreybody liked her in her new shoolschedule classes, and evreybody who did like her are in the same schedule as her friend), but she chose her own.

    In this stage I began to like her, we already had some interesting conversations(where we are totaly disagreeing with eachother). Evreybody had to choose a partner to work with... and she chose me, I said ok. A friend of mine asked ''are you sure?'' she said yeah ''yeah I like to work with him''. We worked together as a good team, after we were done she had to put her work clothes off, she said ''I have to put off my cloths'' My instant reaction ''Give us a striptease''(shes very hot, and half the class was gone), and she had to laugh, totaly red faced and embarressed(in a good way), she said my name high pitched as in ''Oh!Tristan''. The next class I had much fun with other girls and I had the feeling she was trying to be funny or something(get my attention).
    The following 3 months we were still partners and had fun times and some lesser fun times, we are both ''hard to get'', I learned more avbout her, she has been in a long relationship before, that she broke up about 1.5 year ago. She does things I would never do, she is totaly diffrent in interests then me, you could say, what I like she does not and visa versa, we a have a light red line that we agree about tho (thank god).

    The last three months some things changed in the class(we again had to choose a two man team to work with, she asked me again), we had new classmembers, a boy that is a lot like her EX (she said so herself). I like this dude, but he's a macho(bragging and saying that hes better in doing things then other, very over confident(lets just say he, wants people to believe hes confident, I KNOW hes not)). He likes her(but he has a girlfriend already, but still flirts with her and other girls), almost all the boys like her...(apperance, I dont think most of them can really handle her personallity) I dont know if she sees this. But shes very distant when it comes to new people, boys approach her and are nice to her, but she seems not interested. She only seems to be intersted in other guys when I can see this(well.. as far as I know).

    She stares at me, yes, really stares(could say creepy haha), when I turn around her eyes are focussed on me, I smile and turn my head away. thats when I was noticing does she like me? she says positive things about me, while I say a lot more often negative things about her (only in her face, not behind her back). I called her dumb once, in the group(she pissed me off, and I say stupid things I regret when im pissed off), shes was shocked, and she was (ofcourese) pissed off on me, and stared me straight in the eyes with eyes of a snake who was going to kill his pray, I was pissed and I looked at her the exact same way. But we after that moment the class began and we HAD to work again with eachother (ouch...), i explained that i was sorry, and that i did not mean it... the next two weeks she kept repeating that I called her stupid in the way off ''oh, i dont know... I think im to dumb for that''. It seemed she was REALLY upset about it.

    The last couple of days:
    I observerd her body gestures to me, when she is with a other guy, most off the time she has her armes folded(this means she is not really open to the person shes with), when shes with me her arms are open, normal. She sometimes mirrors me, and when shes staring in my eyes and look back we hold eachother eyes for a long time, both with smiles on our face's.
    There were some comments from other people to us, as if they know we both like eachother...
    She wont sit next to me anymore when she has a choice, instead she sits right in front of me, in class with her back towards me, out off class with the face/body towards me, as if she want me to see her.... (she did this the last two months, even if she could sit anywhere she wanted in front off me, she choose the exact opisite seat of the table, very interesting)

    I could tell more examples but this post will be to long, so here is the question:

    I like her, I texed her after the last school day, which stated: ''Have a Nice vacation, and... will you miss me? ?'' she replied an hour later with the following: ''you to have a nice vakation! I will miss you all very much! till next school year''.

    An hour later, normally she replies my text messages in 1 minute but, she could be busy that moment, I aint sure. Another speculation is that she did not want say that she would miss me, because I didn't say I would miss her.. and I know she has to work in the vacation 5 days a week, evrey night 8 hours, so she does not have a lot of time for me this summer anyways.

    Well, till next school year means I wont see her in the vacation (2 months, ~3 weeks has passed, and I have a good excuse to mail her something interesting, in this mail I can be very friendly, and its not something out of the blue. Well whats holding me? Is this smart? I mean, I dont want to be in the friendzone, shes HTG and I am HTG, but I miss her... if I want to contact her in the vacation, where she cleary said that we will see eachother next school year... isnt that a little bit revealing?
    I can bring the mail casually, thats ok, but what if i am wrong? she texted me an hour later, doesnt say she read it imidiatly, maybe she replied instant, that means im just a school friend thats she doenst want to talk with out off school.

    What to do :S?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Langley, BC
    I read the first bit and the last bit, its clear this is a situation that you have way way over-analyzed, which is a bad habit to get into. Way too much typing for a girl you're not even dating for sure.

    I always recommend just going for it, ask her out, make your intentions clear, and stop playing the wussy game of sending weak texts and trying to get her to do the work for you.

    Everything worth having is worth working for. You have spent more time typing this post than it would have taken to just call her up and find out if she is into you too.
    "All is fair in love and war." - Francis Edward Smedley

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    New York
    Yeah you are definitely over analyzing the situation wayyyy too much. It's alot simpler than you may think. Girls like guys that know what they want and go for it, so don't hesitate. Just ask her out and if she says no move on. Trying to get her to ask you out isn't going to work I hate to break it to you, if you want her to like you give her a reason to, don't just hope that she will because it's the other way around, you like her and want to ask her out.
    "Love me or hate me, it won't make me or break me."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    yeah, I think you guys are right.

    But calling her now and asking her on a date is I think to much out of the blue, so I will (casual)contact her in email, check her response(if she is enthusiastic, but if she's is like ''oh.. yeah ok what ever'' I know enough), and then call her or something to ask her on a date...

    My initial intention was to ask her to ''do something'' on the last school day, but I never had the chance to speak to her alone on that day.. (macho boy goes on the same train as her..)

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