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Thread: Maybe falling for my best friend/flatmate/work collegue

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Maybe falling for my best friend/flatmate/work collegue

    I really really need some advice here! Basically a guy started working with me a few months ago. We got on really well and quickly became best friends, at the time I was going through a rough patch with my ex boyfriend and he was really honest and gave me a lot of good advice. When I eventually broke up with my ex a few weeks later he was really sweet and supportive. At the time he had no where to live so ended up crashing at mine. As my lease was nearly up we started looking for a flatshare and now live with 4 others. While we were house hunting my friends all warned me that it wouldnt end well, as they could all see how much I liked him even if I couldn't at the time.

    Unfortunately, my friends were right (as always) and I have realised quite how much I like this boy. Missing spending the amount of time we used to spend together and I feel sick with jealousy when he mentions other girls to me, something that never happened before when we used to chat about dating and such likes.

    I know I should just forget it and move on but a tiny part of me just can't get rid of the feeling he might be into me. Little things he does and the way he sometimes acts. Other people often tell me it is obvious from the way he looks at me and acts around me that he has feelings for me but I try not to let myself believe them as I don't want to get my hopes up.

    I really really don't know what to do. I have had guys tell me they have had feeling for in the past when I havn't felt the same and it has really knocked some of my friendships and I really don't want to lose him as a friend but this whole situation is really getting me down now and I am usually a very confident happy person.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I've been through a similar thing with my best friend but the thing is I've known him for years while you've known this guy for months so I wouldn't exactly call him a best friend. The point is, for me it went away. I thought I had feelings for him because he truly is a great guy and any girl would be lucky to have him, but in time I realized I'm actually not in love with him and that I'd rather have him as a friend for life than for a boyfriend for a couple weeks/months and I couldn't be happier with this. If you do try and hook up with this boy, you will be together for a period of time, then break up, then each go your separate ways. If you think you can move past these feelings you might be able to maintain a long friendship. It's up to you.

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