I met this girl 1 year ago in the city i live in, we started dating and then after a month she moved away to another city to work which is a 5 hour train journey away. So we have been seeing each other once every 2 months for a week or two each time.

When we are together everything is perfect.. we never argue or anything and we are very close and loving but when we are apart she cries alot and tells me she doesn't like being apart and can't handle being without me, she feels like she needs love and attention from me and when i am far away she can not get the love she needs so she feels as though we are wasting time.

So she asked me to move to her city as a solution. Well im in a really comfortable place at the moment, i live rent free in a huge house my parents own, i work just 2 shifts a week and thats enough money for me to have abit of fun, my job is easy as hell and i have my family all around me.

If i was to move i would have no job and be living with her off hardly any money as she is studying at the same time she has just enough money from her job to pay for her studies and rent, i would have to find a job there and then in one years time she moves again due to studies so we would be in the same position again.

I love this girl and ive had many relationships before but no girl has been this amazing. She has only had 2 previous boyfriends and only one sexual and they both cheated on her so she dumped them (both were under 4 months).

I am 23 and she is 20.. advice please.