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Thread: Does this mean we're over?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Does this mean we're over?

    My long distance boyfriend says he's confused about our relationship and he wants to separate for a while.
    Okay, so my bf went mia for about 4 days. He then texts me saying that we're moving too fast and that we should separate for awhile because the fact that I was far from him made him sad and unable to focus.
    Background info:
    -We're both in college..freshmen. We are high school sweethearts. I go to school in Arizona and he's about four hours away in New Mexico (which means that yes we are within traveling distance from each other and he visited me last week).
    -When he visited, we practically got naked and had what would have been sex if I wasn't so tight.
    -I must add that before coming, I went about a day without speaking to him after a convo in which he basically complained about me not contacting him in 2 days o_O BUT now he's complaining that we shouldn't speak every night be/c he's busy!! wtf? what does he want??
    -During the 4 days that he went MIA, I did send him a text every night (note: I would have NEVER done this if he didn't say we should at least speak once a day). and it wasn't like a "wtf are you doing??" type of text..it was more like a "are you okay..havent heard from you in awhile" type of text. I called him after the 3rd night as well.
    -NOW i learn that he's basically been ignoring them o_O

    i am just sooo confused and hurt. i love him a lot. i told him that it's okay if we break up but then he's like "nooooo i don't want to do that...im just confused right now" and then he stammers and stammers and can't get the words out of his mouth.
    ughh WHAT DO I DO?? what do i say?? should i end the relationship right now? or should I wait for him to not be confused anymore? but while waiting, i'll be all fvcked up in the head thinking about

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Hey Jessica , if you love him you should not end the relationship now. While waiting , maybe you can understand and know more about what and why is your boyfriend confused .. hope this helps !

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    You should end it, sounds to me like he is messing you about

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    New York
    You need to tell him that you are not going to wait around for him forever...If he is confused then I don't think you guys should be together...I think you guys both need time to yourselves to think about the relationship and see if it is really worth pursuing...

    You are both freshmen in college it should be a time of having fun and experimenting...

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