Hey guys,

So are you looking for a way to get some closure? Maybe you have a few things to still get off your chest? Well here's the chance.

I'm working on a project at the NY university and our goal is to help people find closure, finally say what they've been meaning to, and the like. Also, the project is worth a big chunk of my grade. This is where I need your help. My goal is to get at least 50 people to write a letter to their ex saying all of the things that they never got to say, whether it's funny, heartfelt, even bitter. Just get it off your chest. You don't have to send the letter to your ex, just writing the words down helps a ton.
I then have to compile and analyze the letters for my class and right a paper on it. You can either post the letters here or inbox me at themanbehindthestupid (it's a hotmail address)

I would really really appreciate the help and it really does help a lot, in terms of getting some closure. And thanks in advance.