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Thread: getting mixed signals from her

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    getting mixed signals from her

    Im not sure if she likes me, or just playing games with me.
    I met this girl five weeks ago at a party, she is my sisters friend. We hooked up that night, and seemed like she was really interested in me. At first i just took it as a random hook up, but than i started seeing her more cause she would hang out with my sister. Two weeks after we first hooked up, my sister had a party and we hooked up again. She was saying how she missed me and stuff. I than started to txt her and stuff, we went to the movies once and me and my sister would go to her house a lot. Usually we would drink there and we would always end up hooking up. She would be saying that she feels safe with me and that she misses me and stuff. At first, i thought it might be just the alcohol, but one time when she was over my house watching a movie, she would like wrap herself around me, and we were not drinking. My problem is that she would always txt me that see didn't see me in a long time and that she misses me, so i would say that we should hang out and she says yes. we would also flirt sometimes over the txt. When the day comes, she always has some excuse, well they were kind of valid, but we could of still hang out for like 3 hours that day. We have plans to go to Chicago, but now some of her friends are going with us. Also when we did hang out, she came to my house which felt more like she came to hang out with my sister. BTW she is 18 and im 19. What do you guys think? Is she just playing me or is she just shy to just hang out with me or something?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Atlanta, GA
    I have a feeling that she might not be thinking too much about it. She may just be enjoying the ride and seeing where things go. Or maybe she is friend-zoning you with benefits.

    Here is what you do - Ask her out. On a date. Say the word date. Make plans for the date. Definite plans. No more "hanging out." Hanging out is fine, but you will never figure out what is going on and what you want to do if that is all you guys ever do. Hang out and hook up does not a relationship make.

    Good luck.
    Brought to you by Dating With Devon!

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