It's pretty self explanatory mum my ex of 31/2 years broke up with me 3 months ago since they we decided no contact and a "break" was best. i agreed with it and it was hard no gonna lie but we started texting every couple of days and she is texts our anniversary dates or memories cuz something reminded her of me and well she recently came out saying she was wanted to get back with me but she also wants to be with this other girl (me and the other girl HATE each other). now my ex isn't ready for a relationship cuz me and the new girl have done some damage not gonna lie. but i have taken the time to grow as a person and live life without her just incase something like this was to happen. My ex says she wants me to really fight for her if i believe she is worth fighting for i strongly believe she is. in my honest opinion i have a lot more to offer then the NEW girl. i am confident in myself that if we both work at a relationship it could work. but i have a problem....i don't know how she wants me to fight for her. Yea i can tell her all day what makes her special and what not...but i know im gonna have some tough competition and i figure now that i have gotten my life on track that helps but i wanna do stuff like go out of my way to show her i love her and care for her and was wondering if you had advice or cute things to do that will see the sincerity in my heart.....yesterday i sent her a song that i did a cover to which made her miss me a lot more and made her i wanna do this right cuz she is the girl of my dreams and i honestly need help...