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Thread: Need advice on figuring this girl out...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Jersey Shore

    Need advice on figuring this girl out...

    Ok I will try to make this brief so it's readable but no promises. Anyway a couple months ago my friend Eric brought around this girl Ally he was friends with and I thought she was super cute and friendly etc. I added her on facebook just because I saw her a few times with Eric and stuff, she "poked" me a couple times on there and liked some statuses and pictures. I didn't pursue her because I didn't know if my friend Eric liked her. They just remained friends because she wasn't into him. 2 weeks ago I told Eric that I've had a small crush on her since I met her basically and he told her I thought she was cute, but nothing came of it because I'm shy. A week or so later me, Eric and Ally went to our friends for his birthday and Eric and Ally left for a beer run. While out Eric texts me saying "Ally says you're cute and that you should talk to her." I did that night a little and she drove me to my car. The next morning she wrote me a message on Facebook saying hey whats up and I got her number. This was last Monday by the way. From then on she would text me all day unless she had to clock in at work, then she would text me as soon as she left. She would poke me every day on Facebook and like a bunch of my statuses etc. But as the week carried on she would text me a little less often but she would still be flirty when she did text me. Actually Friday we didn't text much at all but over the weekend she texted me a lot and asked about watching a movie or something soon which I complied. She also says somewhat often that I'm cute and stuff. But the beginning of this week she wouldn't text me that much but she came to my band's show last night and showed up right before we played, missing the first couple bands. She walked up to me and hugged me and said hi, seemed kinda shy then walked back to her friends. I talked to her here and there and she seemed somewhat shy but not in a bad way, sort of giggly. And after I left she texted me and was bringing up hanging out and that I need to give her the massage I told her I'd give her. But today I didn't hear from her at all, no Facebook activity which kinda stopped in the beginning of the week anyway. Do you think this is a sign she's not interested, or losing interest? Or do you think she's waiting for me to try and make moves (not physical moves). Reason I'm confused is because last week she was always texting me first and carrying the conversations and now she doesn't text me much at all but if she does she still talks and acts the same through text (I don't like talking on the phone and neither does she, to explain only texting).

    I'm sure whoever reads this will notice me mention her being the one to initiate conversation. I have a complex where it takes a lot to get me to text a girl first if I don't know where she stands or how she feels. So since I'm so confused by her I feel like I'm wasting my time texting her or I may seem desperate to her. Also since she was the one texting me so much I got used to not being the one starting. Huge problem I know but I get anxiety from it so it's hard to change.

    But again any advice or thoughts on her actions? Do you think maybe she doesn't think I'm interested? Or do you think maybe she wasn't interested from the start and is just really friendly and maybe just has a flirty personality? I'm racking my brain on it because I feel like I would really be into her if things took off, especially after thinking she was cute for a while now. Any help is much appreciated, thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Langley, BC
    This is simple, she is losing interest. She has made a lot of effort to show you she is interested, and you're not acting on it. You're essentially showing signs of disinterest by letting her do all the work.

    Ask her out soon before her feelings for you wear off, or you won't get your shot with her.

    How old are you by the way?
    "All is fair in love and war." - Francis Edward Smedley

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Jersey Shore
    25 and she's 20. I just got out of a 5 years relationship with my ex last summer so my game is rusty as you can see. I guess I just feel like if I do start showing real interest she won't be into it and I'm not down with that, although I'm not gaining much this way either... But to justify it a little more clearly and less pathetic is, she said it herself, I'm a sweet talker. When we texted more often I would use my most charming qualities and she would always say she's blushing and send me smileys, all that. So I guess I thought I was showing some interest, but you're right I need to man up and go for her, I just don't want rejection especially since a few of my friends tried going for her and she denied all of them...also why I was wondering if maybe she texted them in the same fashion as me? If so that's another thing holding me back.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Jersey Shore
    Also I should add and I mean it in the least pompous and cocky way, I usually have no problem getting girls. I almost always act the same and they always linger around to the point where I wish they would leave me alone. Unfortunate the one girl I do actually want is the difficult one.

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