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Thread: bit of a dilly pickle...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    bit of a dilly pickle...

    Just need some advice as too what i should do.....

    ok, well it started 4 weeks ago, i goto my education tech class and this girl walks in and my head stopped working and i couldnt stop looking and she caught me looking and i caught her looking at me as well for the rest of the class and i didnt talk to her, her name is Emily

    so then the next week i didnt say anything again but glances were shared and smiles were as well. so last tuesday during break i hold the door open for her and i walk towards the caffeteria(sp) to get something from the vending machines, and she asked me "do you know if the caffeteria is still open and the vending machines are still on?" (she knew they were cuz she was there the week before and i saw her in there getting food/drinks)

    so with her engaging me in conversationg i talk to her, find out about what class she wants to teach and other misc. junk for small talk, then she says "i thought heather ( a girl in my class who i talked to in there and have known for 6yrs at least) was your g/f and i replied no ive just known her for awhile

    i tell her about my most recent relationship of 2 1/2yrs and how it ended when my ex wanted to get married but i wasnt ready and we went seperate ways. she then said, "i started dating a guy in high school and we got engaged senior year, but then i broke up with him cuz i wanted to see other ppl"and we continued to talk 5 minutes past our break time allowed us, so it was a good convo with some clutch info of her letting me know she wasnt involved and i let her know and her asking told me she was interested

    i had to send her an email for class so i did it on v-day
    Hey Emily,

    This is David from your Education Technology class. I needed to get someones off-campus e-mail for the first assignment iI missed and was wondering if I could get yours? Not sure what its suppose to be about either so if you could also help me out with that it would be great. Thanks for freeing up the bar-b-q chips in the vending machine on tuesday, see you in class. Happy Valentines Day.


    she responds...

    HAHA! No problem! I only hope that there will be cheddar ones again tomorrow. The e-mail doesn't have to be about anything in paticular. You can just e-mail me saying hi, how are you? and then I respond. My e-mail is <taken out>
    <3 Happy Valentines Day <3

    so im thinking.. ok tomorrow which was tonite, im going to ask her if she wants to go out sometime, so class comes and it goes and we glance during and at break im heading to get a drink froma vending machine and she catches up and we talked about ehr pressentation and i did some goofy babbling that girls like and she gave me some of her m&m's. so things are feeling good and im gonna ask her out.... so we are out of class and im walking her to her car and i say...

    "i was wondering if you arent seeing anyone right now if you would like to go grab a bite to eat or i could give you a call sometime and we could go out?"

    she replys with an enthusiastic smile...

    "i'd love too... BUT.. im engaged."

    i say oh... i thought you broke up with him, she says yeah we did for abit but then we got back together. and then she goes, but id still like to go out too eat with you and talk. so i told her i would email her.

    so i did..

    Hey there,

    I wanted to apologize about earlier, I didn't realize that you were currently engaged. I had thought you were engaged then broke up and didnt get back together. I didnt recall you telling me. So sorry bout that... felt like a idiot. Anyways if you would still be interested in going out to grab a bite to eat sometime or talking and such that is very cool as well. Drop me a line, time to do some h/w. I got aim and its usually always on Lumbajack02 so send me a msg sometime. Thanks for being cool about it.


    and thats that....

    so im thinkin imma act like polariod and see what develops... imma let her take her time and not push anything... i really thought things were gonan go well and we would get together... not sure if i should even pursue... sorry bout the length. thanks for any help
    Last edited by Zilla; 16-02-05 at 12:43 PM. Reason: added a line

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    What a dumbass.......man, firstly, what the hell is 'if ur not cing anyone, would u like 2 grab a bite 2 eat'??? what the hell was that?? U mean if she was cing someone, she can't eat?? And why the hell did u go and describe yer relationship and its ending to her?? She's not writing a biography on u!! The way i look at it, u almost had her, and u just messed it up!! Now the only option is 2 b just friends and let it go!! Besides u don't want 2 b around a female who sez something and in reality something else happens!! Move on and stop sucking up to her!! If she wants to eat with u, let her make the move....u've already made yer intentions clear 2 her...in the most pathetic manner...but u did!! It cannot b reversed, damge already done...no need 2 pursue!! If there's anybody who disagrees with me say aye!!
    Familiarity breeds contempt, absence makes the heart grow fonder!!!

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